Monday, October 27, 2008

Poor little Kamryn

Kamryn has had fevers for the past few days and as a result has been extremely fussy. Yesterday in church she whined and moaned the whole time and spit up half her bottle all over me in Sunday School. I know, I probably should've stayed home with her but it was the primary program so I couldn't miss (more on that later.) Anyway, I scheduled a doctor appt. for her this morning at 11:30, I left in a big hurry because I had 10 minutes to make it clear across town. I made it more than half way when I realized I had left the babies bottles both on the counter at home. CURSES!!! It was feeding time for both so I knew I had to turn back so I called the doc to tell him I'd be late but they told me I'd better hurry because the office was closing. SO, I hurried home, grabbed the bottles, drove like a maniac (not really) and made it to the office just in time, shewed 4 kids in to the office and sat down w/ a sigh of relief. Doctor Smith checked Kamryn's ears only to tell me that they both looked clear and of course, Kamryn was all smiles for him. I think I mentioned in one of my earlier post, kids never act sick at the doctors office even if they are on their death bed 5 minutes earlier. Anyway, he said something like, "she has good color and she seems pretty happy, so that's good," I looked at him and said, "Oh, c'mon Doctor Smith, you don't think I'd be lugging 4 kids in here just for the fun of it, do you?" He just looked at me and laughed and then I told him that some of my kids struggle with bladder infections and wondered if it could possibly be that so the nurse came in to put a catheter in which made me so sad. She was one unhappy camper and for good reason. Those things hurt!! After waiting around for a bit, the doctor came in to let me know it was a urinary tract infection. He prescribed some antibiotics and then sent me over to the hospital to deliver her urine to the lab for further testing and then told me I need to have a test done to see if she has urinary reflux. So, we'll be doing that in a few days and hopefully the medicine will kick in. What I thought would be an hour, at the most, at the doctor turned in to 3 hours and much more running around than I had anticipated. I didn't pack my stroller because I really didn't think I'd need it but I was kicking myself while carrying two extremely heavy babies through the halls of the hospital in their carriers. On the bright side, I'm getting some bulging biceps and I end up meeting and talking to a lot of people wherever I go because people are just drawn to crazy ladies carrying 2 babies in carriers with 2 little kids trailing behind. I finally got home around 2:30 and thankfully, Kamryn slept until 4:30 and Porter was a little angel so I was able to get some dinner prepared. Kamryn's been generally miserable this evening the poor little thing. I always feel so helpless when my kids are sick and just want to take all the aches and pains away. I really hope the meds kick in soon and that she'll be back to her happy self soon.

1 comment:

Greg and Wendy said...

Poor little Kamryn! And poor you because I well remember the helpless feeling of not being able to take the pain away from MY little suffer right along with them! Hopefully the medicine will do it's thing pretty quickly and she will have relief. She is such a precious little thing. Thanks for letting me hold her all during church. She was an angel for feeling so darn miserable!