Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Primary Program

We had our primary program on Sunday and the kids did such a great job. It's so wierd to have 3 kids participating in the program and crazy to think that Kaleb will be up there next year. The second the kids got up after the sacrament to go sit on the stand, he burst in to tears because he thought he should go right up with them but he thankfully recovered quickly. I was giddy with excitement when I saw DJ heading down off the stand towards us... could it be, he'd be sitting with us??? I actually got butterflies in my stomach, I'm sure your probably rolling your eyes right now but I was so excited to sit with him. He's been Bishop for nearly 6 months and I have missed sitting with him terribly so it was a nice surprise. Anyway, the girls did so well on their parts and had the songs right down. I LOVE the primary program!!!

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