Friday, January 15, 2010

It's all worth it when...

you get a choker hug like this one.

Porter is the biggest squeezer ever. Atleast 20 times a day, he'll reach for me to pick him up and then wraps both arms around my neck, clasp his hands together, and squeezes as hard as he can. It makes my day!!!!!!!!


Christie said...

Yea Cind, enjoy those hugs, soon he will be 6'2 and telling you he's getting married!!! Yea it's true Mitchell is engaged!!! I am really kind of in shock, excited shock!!!

Cindy said...

Chris, I'm so excited for him! Kelly seems like a great girl! You are going to be one busy lady!

Greg and Wendy said...

Just drink it in, honey!

Brooke said...

They're awesome - aren't they! :) You are gorgeous and you have gorgeous lucky are you?

Jocelyn said...

Perfect moments and how cool that you got them on camera!