Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3 Things Tag

My sister and my mom both tagged me with this list so I thought I better get on the ball and answer! I don't usually love doing these but this one was a lot of fun.

3 Names I go by:
1. Cin
2. Mommy, Mom, Momma
3. Hon

3 Jobs I have had
1. Secretary at a Psychiatrist office
2. CNA at a Nursing Home
3. Grocery bagger

3 Places I have lived:
1. Park Valley, UT
2. Cedar City, UT
3. Rexburg, ID

3 Favorite Drinks:
1. Water
2. orange juice
3. Z-up/cranberry juice mixture

3 T.V. Shows I watch (I don't regularly watch T.V. so these are some I've watched in the past)
1. American Idol
2. King of Queens
3. News (okay, I know this isn't a show but it's the best I can do)

3 Places I have been:
1. Cancun
2. New York (Church History Sites)
3. San Diego

3 people who text me regularly: (I don't text…so I'll change it to call)
1. Julie
2. mom mother-in-law

3 Favorite foods
1. Shrimp
2. chicken tenders
3. salad

3 Favorite books:
1. Forgotten Notes
2. Daughter's of God
3. Little House on the Prairie (I LOVE reading any of these to my kids)

3 Favorite Colors:
1. Navy Blue
2. Black
3. brown

3 Favorite Hobbies:
1. gardening
2. exercising
3. snow skiing/waterskiing

3 Things you can find in my refrigerator:
1. Milk
2. eggs
3. yogurt

3 Things I do everyday:
1. tidy up my house
2. shower (even if it is 11:00 by the time it happens)
3. tell my kids I love them

3 Things I am good at:
1. talking
2. making friends
3. saving money

People I want to tag:
1. Brooke
2. Andrea
3. Jana


Jocelyn said...

You are awesome at saving money. Seriously.

Glad we get to talk often.

And I didn't know you liked King of Queens. It's one of my favorites!!!

Greg and Wendy said...

When and where did you bag groceries? Oh, I remember! Was it at Albertson's in Logan? And yes, you are amazing with money! You could teach most of us a lesson or two...or more. Serving others should certainly have been on your list as well. I'm so blessed to have you for a daughter.

Greg and Wendy said...

Showering everyday...yes, that should have been on my list even though today it will be 2:00pm before I get it done! I shouldn't have started cleaning before I got dressed for the day.

janna said...


Nigbur Family said...

Fun, fun! I will definately do this!