Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Decoding Jordyn's goals

1. Soccer, Baskets
2. Let people play with my toys (she shares w/ friends, just not as well with siblings)
3. always have a nice look on my face
4. be in the kindergarten club (she'll get her picture up on the library wall and can check out books whenever she wants)
5. play the piano
6. drink more water (jre cmoor wodr) Cute
7. learn to read go to school and learn (what has she been doing for the past 3 months??:)
8. be nice
9. teach my little brother how to ride a two wheeler bike (wow, that took some serious studying)
10. to not give dirty looks (to my siblings)
11. Bear my testimony every week
12. pay my tithing (she told me she messed up and wrote "bear my testimony again"

She's pretty cute, it was a valiant attempt if I do say so myself!


Jocelyn said...

That's awesome.

I especially love the jnk one. That's just how kids say it!

Greg and Wendy said...

I had about 4 of them figured out but now that you tell us what it says, I can't believe I didn't get them all! The love the "dirty looks" one! Some very well thought-out goals, I would say.