Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More Goals

We helped the kids set goals Sunday evening. DJ had some great suggestions on helping them set realistic goals and it was fun to see them catch on to the idea--particularly the older two. He asked them to think about all the different roles they play in their life-- daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, student, basketball player, pianist, member of the church, etc. Then he had them set goals to better themselves in each of those areas. Then below each goal, he had them write how they would accomplish each goal. With a bit of explaining and guidance, here is what they came up with.

Regan (11) and Morgan (7)

Kaleb (4) and Jordyn (6)

I love Jordyn's list! We didn't help her so it was extra fun to make sense of her list! (true Kindergarten style) Go ahead, give it a try!

I added a few goals to my list but I decided that my greatest goal for this year will be to help my kids accomplish their goals. I can't think of anything else that would make me happier than to see them succeed.


Jocelyn said...

Okay, I've got some of Jordy's but I'm pretty stumped!

Love the older girls' lists. They'll do it all.

Love you!

Brooke said...

I love this. We did this same thing for FHE and it's pretty awesome what some of the kids come up with. I like your goal of helping them to achieve theirs...I think I'll steal that one!