Friday, January 22, 2010

Family History Friday- Proposal Edition

How did you propose or how were you proposed to?

DJ moved to Provo after spending the summer in Cokeville. His plans were to attend BYU Provo which he did for one day and then decided it just wasn't for him. He was so upset that half of credits didn't transfer from Ricks and he just hated the gigantic campus where you felt like you were just another number. Certainly not the "Rick's" feeling. Anyway, he got a job building the Micron facility in Provo and had an apartment with some of his friends from Cokeville. I was still living and working in Logan so we'd often meet in Cokeville and spend the weekend at his parent's home. We wanted to be together as much as possible so this was a good arrangement . I can remember DJ teasing me and playing tricks on me from time to time, particularly when it came to his proposal. You really have to know DJ to appreciate these "moments." There were a couple of times that I can remember when I thought he was going to ask me to marry him but then he'd play some funny joke on me. One such occasion was when I went to visit him down in Provo the weekend before my birthday. When he got home from work, I was waiting for him and he told me he had a surprise for me but I'd have to close my eyes and to not peak. I followed orders really thinking this was the big moment (though it would've been a little odd) Anyway, while I was closing my eyes, he got down on one knee and then told me to open my eyes. When I did, he said, "Happy Birthday" and handed me the box set of George Strait CD's. I'm not sure what my face looked like at that moment but his I'll never forget. He knew exactly what I was thinking and loving that he had tricked me big time. I was thrilled with the CD's because I've always been a George Strait fan but, that was not exactly what I had hoped for in that moment. So, the next weekend we spent with his parents in Cokeville. It was November 5th, 2 days after my Birthday. We stayed up really late talking as we always did. He loved to play his guitar and sing to me which he had done that evening quite a bit. I remember sitting on the couch by him and he, with no warning, pulled a ring box out of his pocket. I was sure it would be empty and that this would be another one of his jokes. But, I was wrong, inside was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. He asked me, and this time, there were no jokes, just a quiet moment I'll never forget.

In what temple were you sealed?

Salt Lake City, UT- I loved this temple and for as long as I can remember, this is where I wanted to be married. Thankfully, DJ didn't really have a preference on which temple, and the location worked for both of our families.


Greg and Wendy said...

I can't believe I had forgotten most of this. What a stinker he was! But it was oh so worth putting up with his nonsensical personality! He is a prize and he certainly appreciates the prize he got that day as well. You're a perfect compliment to one another.

Jocelyn said...

I had forgotten this. Love it.

And remember how COLD it was on your wedding day?!

Brooke said...

Awwww! That's awesome! I really want to copy you on this Family History Friday thing you've got going... :)

janna said...

add a picture...

& what a good story to remember. I found my old journal when bob proposed to me. I thought about posting it on my blog.

Nigbur Family said...

What a cute story! I think it's hilarious that he kept on tricking you! BTW Morgan looks very cute in braces! Bet your ortho bill is not so cute!