Sunday, June 15, 2008


We discovered that the Porter & Kamryn sleep much better when they are close together so here are some of our favorite shots of them snuggling together! She loves to wrap her legs around his and snuggle her head right close to his. I think it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I love the position of her tiny leg, it looks like she's trying to show off her "model legs!" I can't even begin to express how much fun we are having with these two babies! The kids adore them and seem to be adjusting to our new life!!! When I get a minute more I will be sending a few more pics of all the kids w/ DJ and I.


Jocelyn said...

That's maybe the cutest thing I've ever seen. Seriously!

Are they sleeping well as long as they're together?

The Florida Roses said...

THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Wow I can't imagine twins! It has got to be so fun, yet so crazy! I can't believe that they snuggle like that...I guess I can believe it because that's how they were in your tummy, but that is the cutest thing I have ever seen! We love you and can't wait to see you!

The Florida Roses said...

Cindy/DJ/Kids: They are just beautiful! I still can't believe how you get such cute kids with a guy as ugly as DJ. LOL. I am so proud of you. Talk about amazing to have 6 wonderful children. What a blessing. I think I'm going to have Sara consider fertility treatments so we can join the fun. don't tell her before I do though, ok!?! ;-) matt

Lori Wilson said...

I can't stand how cute these little snuggly pictures are. I would probably just sit and stare at them for hours instead of getting anything done. What little angels they are. Give the other 4 kids a kiss and hug for us!

Jaedon Flora said...

Thank you so much for the darling posts and pictures. We are so happy for your entire family.