Friday, June 20, 2008

The sad death of "Goldie" (Jordyn's beloved preschool goldfish)

We woke up this morning only to realize that Jordyn’s fish had flipped out of the bowl on to the cabinet sometime in the night. I noticed it on the cabinet and was hoping to dispose of it and replace it before she would know anything happened. She was the first one up this morning and came running upstairs happy as can be when she saw the fish lying on the cabinet. She burst in to tears and cried uncontrollably in my arms. It was one of the saddest moments I can ever remember having with one of my kids. I’m not ashamed to admit that my eyes watered while holding her. I had to quickly jot down a few things that she said in between sobs….. (these are direct quotes) “I loved that fish, mom, it did exactly what I said, it just swam and swam…. I loved that fish and I could really tell it loved me too… it’s not your fault that it died, it’s my fault, I should’ve stayed up in the night to watch it and feed it…. Now I know how my friends felt when their fish died, my heart is broken…I don’t think I’ll ever find a fish that I love as much as goldie…. I don’t want to flush her down the toilet, I want to bury her where I can go and tell her hello everyday. These are just a few of the sad things she said and I have to say it broke my heart to see her so sad. Now, 1 hour later, she is making plans for a new one and we are headed out to bury the fish in the very back of the yard. Oh, the joys of motherhood!


Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness, I am laughing and crying at the same time. That is just absolutely adorable. Love that you took the time to record it.

Are you planning to get another fish for her?

dad_rose said...

So sorry to hear of Goldie's demise. She was such an obedient fish and so integral to Jordyn's life. Tell her that Grandpa is praying for her heart to be comforted. Your Walmart piece was an absolute scream! What a zoo you have created--and I mean an incredibly wonderful zoo!
Love, Dad

dad_rose said...

So sorry to hear of Goldie's demise. She was such an obedient fish and so integral to Jordyn's life. Tell her that Grandpa is praying for her heart to be comforted. Your Walmart piece was an absolute scream! What a zoo you have created--and I mean an incredibly wonderful zoo!
Love, Dad

Lori Wilson said...

Oh, Jordy -- what a crack up! I swear that girl is one in a million! I read your post to my kids and they laughed their heads off and cried a little, too. Tell her Todd feels her pain (remember his fish Justice that I accidentally sort of boiled when he fell down the disposal?) Yeah, well, be glad it wasn't your fault Goldie died, Todd never lets me forget what a rotten mom I am for doing that!

janna said...

How cute! I can picture her telling you, "I don't want to flush it down the toilet."