It all started this morning when I noticed that Kaleb had exactly two diapers left and I quickly realized that DJ wouldn't be able to make an evening run to the store because he was headed to girls camp to stay over night right after work. I had 2 options, I could potty train Kaleb (I quickly scratched that idea), I could've left Regan at home with a couple of kids but I thought, "no big deal, I'll feed the babies and we'll be out of here." (That was at 10:00) Finally at 11:30 I told everyone to get buckled in the van and I'd be right there. Just then, Porter pooped his pants and so I went to change him and apparently he wasn't finished so there I was catching poop with wet wipe after wet wipe with Kaleb giggling right beside me on his little stool he has right next to the changing table. We finally got Porter the pooper taken care of and Kamryn decided to take her turn so we quickly changed her and then Kaleb announced that he was stinky and in the midst of all the bum changing I realized that it was almost lunch time and that there may be a few melt downs at Walmart if I didn't get some food in their stomachs. So, with Morgan, Jordyn, and Kaleb all buckled in the van, Regan quickly made some sandwiches while I loaded the babies in the van (now 12:10, 40 minutes later from the time I said, "I'll be right there." We had just pulled out of the driveway only to have a thought occur to me that my kids had a primary activity at 1:00 so I had exactly 50 minutes to drive to Walmart, load 4 out of the 6 kids in carts, pick up a few things, load the kids back in the van and make it to the church. You should've seen the looks I was getting as I had Regan pushing the babies in one cart and me pushing Kaleb and Jordyn in another with Morgan hanging on as we rushed through the store quickly pulling things off the shelves. I'm sure the sweat running down my face told a story of its own! Anyway, I'm proud to say that I pulled in to the church parking lot 5 minutes late only to discover that not a soul was there. I must've written the time down wrong, so all that hurrying for nothing and not to mention, a few very disapointed children. We ran home and called a neighbor who told us that it was from 2:00 to 3:30 so the kids were happy again! Wow, I think I may lose my mind, or maybe I already have!