Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Much to be grateful for

I'm grateful for:

*Family Home Evening
*Morgan's lesson and her excitement in preparing it--she chose a lesson out of the Nursery Manual called "I can be Thankful." She thought it would be very appropriate for this month.
*Realization that my kids like a moment to be "in charge" and FHE just might be that moment!
*Recollection of some childhood experiences that are helping me understand my kids better
*"Annie Soundtrack" Everyone of my kids love these songs so there are no fights over what we'll listen to
*Jordyn's sincere concern about the "orphans" sparked by the "Annie" production she attended
*Letter's to Santa
*Morgan's comment after giving her FHE lesson, "Okay, let's go do some service!!!!!!!!!"
*I purchased kid sized shovels for everyone so they were pumped to go do some shoveling for the neighbors. I think this just might be the best $28.00 I have ever spent.
*Hot chocolate after a night in the cold
*warm socks
*DJ's compliments to me- He really makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful, talented person on earth--and I appreciate that
*watching Kamryn try to jump catching a centimeter of air---but thinking she'd jumped a foot by the expression on her face.
*phone calls from friends
*really good shower cleaner-if you don't have Don Asletts- Shower's N' Stuff, you need to get it
*Monday nights


Brooke said...

I love your lists, you inspire me. Each and every time! You're kids are wonderful and it's because you and DJ are amazing parents/people! Happy Thanksgiving!

Jocelyn said...

This has been my favorite list yet.

Nigbur Family said...

Look at you go with all your thankfulness! It's always the small things that make us happy!

Greg and Wendy said...

Love, love, love this list, honey. Morgan never ceases to amaze me with her spiritual little nature. What a great idea to purchase the kid-size shovels. Where did you find them? I'm glad you are remembering some things from your childhood, too. Funny how things come back to us when we really need them. And by the way, you ARE one of the most beautiful and talented people I know...only equaled by Lori, Julie and Sara, our other amazing daughters! So glad your husbands acknowledge how incredible you really are. Those compliments go a long way, don't they?

Greg and Wendy said...

I think we need a video of Kami jumping!