B-Day in between sessions of Conference and we're generally in Cokeville since that's about the only full weekend we can get away to visit. Lucky Jordyn!! She had a great B-Day, loved opening all of her fun presents, loved her castle cake, loved all the attention, and just loved that it was her day.
Anyone who knows Jordyn, knows that she is full of personality! She's full of expression, she's animated and ultra enthusiastic about almost everything (except when it comes to the dinner menu). She likes about 50% of the meals that I cook and chokes down that other half. She loves clothes, hair do's, headbands, stretchy pants, fries, ice cream, candy, school, talking, playdates, drawing, homemade bread, visits from grandparents, movie parties, and the list could go on! She spends hours every day drawing pictures and is becoming quite the little artist. Her pictures are detailed and colorful and usually very symetrical. She loves to draw girls with cute outfits and big houses with lots of rooms but when she's bored with that she'll ask me for ideas or she'll look at books or magazines for ideas. I'm frankly a little alarmed that she already loves clothes, hair, purses, etc. Should I be nervous for the teenage years??
Some of my favorite things about Jordyn is her ability to talk to anyone young or old, she's not afraid to strike up a conversation with the lady standing next to us in the grocery line and usually has them laughing within seconds. She loves to snuggle, gives gigantic choking hugs, and she tries really hard to choose the right. We love having you in our home, Jordyn! We hope you have a great year being 6!!!
Here are some of her favorite things she's drawn:
I love her art work...everything is so bright & cheery which just fits her adorable personality! Glad you had a good time in Cokeville!
She is really talented in the art department. And the singing department. And the cuteness department.
She's pretty much completely adorable.
She's so cute! I love how enthusiastic she seems about everything, except the dinner menu! :)
Love the video! Love that Jordy has every action memorized in "Grand Old Flag", Love that she LOVES school! Love that she LOVES her birthday skirt and sweater! I just LOVE that little girl!
Oh my gosh, we love the Taylor Swift song. We are requesting more Taylor Swift at the family christmas party, if you need back up singers, Whit and Chrystal are volunteering, they know every word!!! Love those girls!!!!!
What a touching tribute to Jordyn. That's truly only half of the amazing little girl she is! I truly enjoy the rambling commentary she gives me day by day and sometimes play by play! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Now we are blog buddies for ever! Happy birthday Cutie!
Love that Jordy-pie. She's one in a million, that girl!
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