Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If the truth be told...

This is what it's REALLY been like at our house for the past 2 weeks:

Black eyes- Self inflicted wound

Super cranky babies throwing tons of temper-tantrums, particularly from the happy little guy above! (I just don't have as many pictures to prove it!)

Too many sick kids

Babies pooping in the bathtub almost everytime I put them in. (Arrrgggh) I didn't think a poopy bathtub picture was appropriate so this one will do.

Way too many sleepless nights!! Don't have a picture of that one either but trust me, it wouldn't be pretty. I'm so tired, my eyeballs actually ache. I can hardly wait for the day that I get to sleep 8 hours uninterrupted, oh, what am I saying, 4 hours uninterrupted would be a stinking miracle!

And....if there was a picture of me next, I would probably have a very grumpy look on my face with a caption such as this, "Calgon, take me away, NOW"!
Just for the record though, I'm not complaining! Ha ha ha ha!


Jocelyn said...

My thought is always, "Calgon, take THEM away!!!!"

I'm so sorry it's been so crappy around your house!

Jenelle said...

hang in there, it can only get better. The kids will all grow up and one day move away and we won't remember all these days as bad as they really are.

Christie said...

It's ok if you were complaining!!!! Hope everyone is on the mend soon!!! Love ya

Greg and Wendy said...

I will just say, I love you and it is fine to be honest! I know you wouldn't sell a one of them! We'll be praying for you and the babies.

Stacy said...

Hope you catch some peaceful dreams soon.