Friday, October 16, 2009

cute conversations with the little guy! (Kaleb)

Me: "How was school today, Kaleb?"
Kaleb: "Oh, it was fun, there was tator tots there"
Me: "Really, did you eat them?"
Kaleb: (looking at me like I'm a wierdo) "No, I rode on them!"
Me: (My turn to look it him like he's a wierdo) Then it dawns on me, he means, "teeter totter" "Oh, you got to ride on the teeter totter!"
Kaleb: "Yep, and it was fun, fun, fun,"

DJ told Kaleb he would be giving him his haircut in a couple of hours. Kaleb doesn't love haircuts and started to whine so DJ told him he could choose to have a spanking or a haircut (jokingly, of course.)" Kaleb chose a spanking, and he was not joking!

Kaleb asked me for a piece of gum and I told him he could have one if he split it with me. He tried to split it in half but instead ended up with one very big piece and one very tiny piece. He brought the big one to me and told me I could have the big part. Awwwww!!! That's precisely why I love this little guy.

I cut my finger today and let out a little yelp. Kaleb came over to comfort me and said, "it's okay, mom, just be brave."

While I was at my Relief Society meeting the other night, DJ was busy rearranging the girls bedrooms. Kaleb excitedly said, "dad, mom is going to be so impressed." The cutest thing was that he wasn't even getting anything done to his room but he was totally excited for the girls.


Greg and Wendy said...

Yup! Precisely why WE love this little guy, too! He is the sweetest! My question, however, is how did you handle the spanking over haircut response? He must really HATE haircuts!haha

Cindy said...

We just laughed and said, "too bad, you still get a haircut." But, if you want a spanking to go with it, we can do both.

Brooke said...

What a hilarious kid! and he comes with a heart of gold too! :)

Jocelyn said...

He is so cute. I love the tater tot comment -- reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite!!! :)

Greg and Wendy said...

At 3-years old, most kids would take the bigger piece of gum... really they would! He is such a gem of a little guy! It is indicative of his character even now to give you the biggest...this and to be so excited for the redo of his sisters' rooms when his wasn't involved. Whenever you doubt your parenting, just remember these little moments. Okay?

Sara Rose said...

Soo darn cute! I LOVE reading your blog Cindy!