Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall Swimming Lessons

We put the kids in Fall swimming lessons at the Apple and they've been having a ball. As an added bonus, the classes are small, so the kids get more teacher time. I can't believe the improvement in just (7)- 1/2 hour classes. I'm contemplating another 8 weeks if I can muster any strength. I've been getting in with the babies and doing the parent-taught class. Luckily it's taught by a lady that I visit teach so if the babies are in good moods, she'll help me with one or the other. They LOVE the water and seem to have very little fear. Kamryn loves jumping off the side and attempts to drown herself atleast 1 or 2 times during the class. She has absolutely no fear so I have to keep eyes on her at all times.

These pictures pretty much stink but it's the best I could do holding the twins while juggling the camera at the side of the pool. The very dark picture of Morgan on the bottom right was captured "mid-belly flop." This kid is a nut, she loves doing them over and over again and comes up laughing everytime. Although, tonight she ended up with a stomachache. Duh!! (just kidding, Morgan)


Greg and Wendy said...

What a great thing you are doing! It goes to show you how different personalities are because you were scared to death of the water from the minute you were born! I'm sure you remember.

Brooke said...

What is it with the baby girls? Landry's the same way, she loves the water, Cael is usually attached to me screaming! You're so brave to actually do the swim lessons!

Natie said...

Hi Cindy! Your kids are so cute. I need to get Ellie into swimming lessons. She would love it.

I just have to say . . . your hair looks so cute. It make me want to cut some of mine off. I am so lazy with my hair. It endd up in a bun every single day. Oh well.

Have a great day. I love you.

Jenelle said...

We did a fall session once and loved it! It gets a bit cold, but if you have the van all warmed up first it is worth the smaller crouds! I think it's great that you do the mommy and me, it is such good quality time, and I think they learn to trust you even more.