Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wishin' we had leaves!

My kids feel cheated because our trees aren't big enough to unload gigantic piles of leaves for them to play in and rake up. So, we've gone to a couple of our ward member's homes and played in their leaves and raked up a few bags while we were at it. I forgot to take my camera the evening that I had all the kids with me so I only have picks of the 4 little ones. Sorry, Regan and

The babies liked Gina's doorstep better than the leaves. And Porter loved the rake, he tried whacking Jordy and Kaleb a time or two. He wasn't going to let his purple gloves define his manhood!

Jordyn and Kaleb loved being buried in the leaves and running as fast as they could in to the center of the pile.

I've been trying hard lately to live in the moment with my kids. I feel like I always tell them "no" or "maybe another day" and sometimes forget that the little moments such as these are what bring kids joy.


Christie said...

Ah, to be young again and see the fun in leaves. Scott and I spent the entire day outside yesterday raking and mowing a whole horse trailer full of leaves, I kept telling myself, yes I really do love my trees. Scott had the chainsaw in the back of the truck and after 4 hours, it was tempting to cut them all down. haha Missed you on saturday, so sad the kids were sick. Hope they are feeling better. love ya

Brooke said...

Your kids are gorgeous, just like you and DJ. Wow! Not only are they cute but they are nice, talented, sweet, helpful and sometimes just like mine, stinks! :) I love them!

Jenelle said...

I can understand the wanting to live in the moment. One of my kids asked me to do something the other day and I told them the standard, "We'll see". They walked away grumbling,"that always means no." So I am trying to turn that around and surprize them and actually do some of the things they want to do, when they want to do it. But it's hard!

Greg and Wendy said...

Bless you for giving them moments of joy even in the midst of all you've had "on your plate". You're a great mom and I'm blessed that you're my daughter.

...And, too bad we don't live closer because we have a whole backyard full of leaves to jump in!

Stacy said...

Good for you. Enjoy the moment because they grow all too fast. Love the pictures. Sorry the kids are sick.