Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I mentioned in an earlier post that Regan, Morgan, & Jordyn are staying with Aunt Lori in Rupert this week attending a music camp with Todd & Kate. They have also been able to take swimming lessons in the evening in Lori's pool so they are having the time of their lives. They've called every evening and informed me that they miss us but they are having so much fun. Thanks to Lor for taking 3 extra kids. We have had Lor's little Jack who is Kaleb's age for the week and he has been excellent, considering how tiny he is. He and Kaleb have had a great time playing together and I think it's made it so much easier on Kaleb because he has really missed them. The other night he said, "mom, when are my girls going to be home?" They are his best friends which makes me really happy!! Anyway, things have been busy but good here. I have had a glimpse in to the future of how it will be to have twin 2 1/2 year olds. Ha ha!! I can only hope that Porter and Kamryn will even half as good as Jack and Kaleb have been. They definetly have their moments but all in all, they've been great. Last night I decided to give all the kids baths so I let the little boys play in the tub while I fed the babies and got them ready for bath. I walked away for a few minutes (I know, big no, no) and all the sudden I hear them giggling uncontrollably so I walked back in to find them dumping water on each others heads and then pouring a few cups out on to the rug. I was not pleased about the water on the rug but I'm pretty sure I know who the ring leader was judging by the picture below. Is that a mischievous grin, or what??????
After I got the boys out of the tub, I put the babies in and generally they hate bath time but this time they decided to cooperate. I know bath tub pics are hated by some but I just couldn't resist.

Porter looks like a giant next to Kamryn!
Yesterday the boys were playing outside with the neighbor kids and having a ball. They were being pulled around in a wagon behind a bike, up and down the street. It was nice to have them both entertained for a while!

I have made a few trips to the store with the 4 kids this week and if you think I got stared at before, you should've seen us this time. The trip to Fred Meyer yesterday was pretty uneventful considering I was pushing one cart and pulling another behind. I was proud of myself for only running the second cart in to the back of my legs 2 times and I only came home with one bruise to show for it. I was amazed at how good the little boys were on all our trips though, but I have to admit that I used a little bribery with popcorn chicken at Walmart today since I had quite a few things I needed to get but the other times they behaved themselves with no bribery tactics from me!
Last night after baths I was putting Jack to bed and I walked out to fill his sippy cup up and when I went back in I heard Kaleb say, "okay, Jack, now lets say prayers, Heavenly Father, bless mommy and daddy, bless we have fun, amen" and then he said, okay have a good sleep and proceeded to shut the door. Jack was amused up until the point of the door closing and then I don't think he appreciated Kaleb very much. Anyway, it was pretty cute and I have to say that Jack is such a trooper about going to bed in a not so familiar place and he is pretty low maintenance during the day! I can only hope that the girls have been this good for Lor!


janna said...

Cute picture in the bath tub!

& LOL about our wagon withe the blanket covering the rusty bottom.

Greg and Wendy said...

I LOVE the bathtub pictures! And Kaleb's little mischievous grin pretty much tells it all, doesn't it? To hear your children say prayers unrequested is a pretty great reward, isn't it? So sweet. I am thankful things have gone relatively well with lots of hard work on both yours and Lori's parts. Thank you for making these occasions happen. Also, thanks for taking time out of your very busy day to post. You are amazing!

Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, I know some people don't like bathtub shots but with washclothes, these are very discrete! This picture is darling and how much fun to have them enjoy their bath. Both babies look so healthy! Good job, honey. I love you!

Crump Family said...

You amaze me! My days seem crazy with only one kiddo, I can't imagine how you juggle 6 - let alone a set of newborn twins! Keep it up!

P.S. We just moved to Boise (well, Meridian). Now that we're so much closer I'd love to drive over and visit some time.

The Florida Roses said...

OK Cindy you are amazing! I don't know how you are juggling the twins and 2 toddlers! Wow - just as I think you have conquered all you take it one step further! :)
Love ya!

Lori Wilson said...

Again, Cind -- I can't thank you enough. It was so fun to spend some time with your girls. They are absolute dolls. Thanks for the sacrifice on your part -- I know it was huge. Love ya lots. (By the way, we had an AWESOME time at your house Saturday. A little unstructured downtime was just what the doctor ordered.)