Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Calgon, TAKE ME AWAY!!

It's 4:00 in the afternoon, I'm frantically trying to get a casserole in the oven for dinner before the babies wake up from a very long nap. I agree to let the girls have a couple of friends over on the condition that they either play outside or stay downstairs. I realize that we are having an older sister in our ward over from FHE so I need to make a batch of cookies and the house is cluttered and needs a little TLC, when it all hits.... the babies decide to wake up and they are both screaming to be fed, the cookies are just about out of the oven (5 min. left) so I can't sit down to nurse the babies because I'll have to stop right in the middle so I opt to let them scream while I wait. Finally, I sit down to nurse and out of no where, kids come running up the stairs to see what all the screaming is about and there I am just about to nurse the babies. YIKES!! In all the commotion, Kaleb decides to wake up from his nap and he's begging to go outside and play. (I want to say, "do I look like I can take you outside to play") but I refrain because he won't get my sarcasm anyway. Then, thanks to an answer to my prayers, my visiting teacher shows up to see if I could use some help!! YES!!! She grabs Kaleb and takes him outside to play and then comes back in to burp a baby and free one of my hands to finish the casserole. The casserole is finally finished so I go to put it in the oven and, of course, there is absolutely, no heat. The oven has been giving me fits for quite a while now and I thought we'd got the problem fixed but I guess not. To make a very long story, a little shorter, we finally had dinner at 6:20, DJ ran to pick up our FHE guest while I fed the babies and Morgan cleaned up the kitchen. We ended up having a very nice evening and the babies were as good as gold. Needless to say, DJ and I are hammered and ready for a good nights rest, ha ha ha ha!! I have a feeling that there are many more days like this one lurking around the corner. Thank goodness for wonderful visiting teachers who are listening to the spirit and are willing to help!


Jocelyn said...

These are definitely the ones you want to record, huh?! What an awesome Visiting Teacher. Seriously -- what would you have done without her? I'm just proud of you for letting her come in and help!

What's up with your oven?

Lori Wilson said...

Sometimes when I'm having a Calgon moment I hear the words to "We Are All Enlisted" in my mind. I'm sure my fighting kids and moments of craziness are not what the author of those words was thinking when he wrote them, but they sure do the trick!

"We are all enlisted till the conflict is o'er, happy are we, happy are we! Soldiers in the army, there's a bright crown in store. We shall win and wear it by and by!" Keep on marching little soldier, because you were drafted and there's no getting out early!! :)

Seriously, you are incredible. Most people would just hide from the world -- forget about inviting people over and playing hostess. Thanks for being such a great example. Love ya!