Monday, February 1, 2010

Poor Kami

Kami came down with something on Thursday and things just went from bad to worse.

This is what she looked like on Thursday. I took her to the doctor and he told me she had a slight ear infection, nothing he would medicate her for. He also told me that her "eye issue" wasn't conjunctivitis but to let him know if things got worse.

Here she is Friday morning, hating life!

Saturday morning she woke up looking a whole lot worse than this. Here eyes were matted completely shut and she was miserable! I took her in only to find out her ear infection had worsened, he said she definitely had pink eye, and to top it off, she had Croup. He prescribed Vigomox for the eyes, Amoxicillin for the ears, and some steroids to help her breath better.

Here is what she looked like by Saturday night after one dose of medicine. Still scary, but I was happy that she could muster even a little smile.
Here she is today! I think our Kami is back! Regan, Kaleb, and Porter have had some nasty colds as well but so far, nothing like this little girl. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Greg and Wendy said...

Our word verification for this post is "scomoopi"...sounds like it could be the new name for Kami's infection! Oh, that poor little girl. Dad and I are sitting here in disbelief and to think there isn't even a picture of the worst of it! That Friday morning pic is about more than we can take! So glad she is looking and feeling better this morning. How we love her and how we are praying the rest of you don't get anything nearly this bad.

Greg and Wendy said...

It's actually the Saturday morning pic that really haunts us! I can completely understand why Regan was unwilling to stay with her even for an hour on Friday night. That is scary! Aren't we grateful for miracle medications!

Lindsay said...

OH my goodness! That looks awful! I hope she's feeling better! I bet it's so hard to see her so sick.

Christie said...

Wow, poor little bug, hope it doesn't go through the whole family. I hate when babies are sick. Glad she is doing some better!!!

Nigbur Family said...

Man oh man! I am so sorry! Winter is the worst! Everyone I know has been sick! Hope you all are feeling better soon!

Nigbur Family said...

BTW I haven't looked at blogs for awhile but your wedding photos are the best! I love it!

Sara Rose said...

How sad!!!! She looked miserable! Poor little thing! Glad she is doing better!