Friday, February 5, 2010

Cousin fun!

Last week we had my sister, Julie's, kids here for a few days and it's taken me this long to transfer the photos. The kids had such a fun time playing with their cousins and I was amazed at how well they got along. They played in the snow, played dress up, polly pockets, house, games, etc. Regan's favorite thing to do with all the girls was to dress them up, do their hair and makeup, and then she'd put on some fun music and they would do a little show for me. I love that Regan will play with her younger cousins. She always does the funnest things for them and the best part about it is she totally enjoys herself. I was sure I took pictures of their little show but they are no where to be found. Darn!
Chloe and Jordyn are the same age! They had a ball together, aren't they just the cutest little blondies???? The handcuffs were the favorite toy of the weekend!
The kids had so much fun playing in the snow. I thought for sure we'd spend a solid hour suiting them all up and then they'd stay out for 10 minutes but they proved me wrong. They played and played for the longest time. I felt so bad because Brigham, Julie's little guy, wanted to come out so bad but he had the nastiest sore on his ankle bone but he was bound and determined to make it outside. So, mom and I got him all ready, put him in his boots which were absolutely killing him and then we proceeded to take him outside. It was the cutest and saddest thing because with every step he'd take, he would groan and then say, "I'm okay," and then he'd take another step forward. You could tell his boot was rubbing the sore and causing him so much pain but he wanted to play so bad. He lasted for about 3 minutes and then decided he'd better come in. It was a valiant effort on his part!
The kids loved the miniature shovels.
Chloe and Morgan spent over an hour in our walk-out basement shoveling this huge pile of snow at the bottom of the slide. It was the cutest thing to watch their excitement when they went down the slide and crashed in to the big mound of snow they'd worked so hard to make.
Regan enlisted the help of Jordyn and Chloe making an igloo with my bread pans. I can't believe how far they actually got. Chloe and Jordyn worked like champs filling the pans and delivering them to Regan. I totally remember doing this very same thing!

Saturday night I bathed everyone with DJ's help. We had to have all 11 kids ready by 8:00 so everyone could be to church on time so we had a movie party, watching "Up," ate tons of popcorn and Orange Julius, while I put rollers in all the girls hair. It was so much fun and I loved that all the girls had the same hair do the next day. Again, another picture I wish I'd taken!
The three little munchkins, Cannon, Porter, and Kamryn! They played really well together until about the last day and then my babies got super jealous of Cannon. Especially Porter, he even went up to Cannon a few times that day and gave him a little push like, "hey, she's not your mother, she's mine!" It was sad but so darn funny. Poor little Cannon!
This is one of our dinner times together. Surprisingly, I made just about the right amount of food and the kids ate pretty good, maybe because I bribed them all with ice cream at the end!


Brooke said...

You are so amazing. I know I post this every time, but seriously, you are! You never cease to amaze me with what you're able to accomplish and the happy attitude you do it all in. Thank you!

Greg and Wendy said...

You have captured precious moments both in pictures and words. It was a fun adventure, wasn't it? How we love you and all 10 of these precious little grandkiddies!

Christie said...

All I can say is you are one darn good sister!!!!!!! I can't even imagine taking that on!!! You get brownie points in heaven and move up on my most amazing list!!!

Jocelyn said...

She does, doesn't she, Christie?!

These pictures half make me wish I was there to experience it all with you! Only half, though! :)