Friday, February 5, 2010

Mmmmm, we love spaghetti!

The babies just aren't very good eaters. In fact, they turn their noses up to just about all my dinners except for Spaghetti! They ate an obscene amount the other night and it was just cute to see them enjoying their food so much. This mess was not fun to clean up but it was a cute photo moment.


Lori Wilson said...

Hilarious!!! I can't believe how much they're growing and changing. It's hard to believe that they're hardly babies anymore. It's good to see them looking happy and healthy again. Not a fun bout with illness at your house ....

Greg and Wendy said...

Adorably messy! Love these moments when you just step back and take a picture and worry about the mess after! They are too cute and it is so good to see them smiling and happy again!

Jenelle said...

ya, but can they suck up a noodle and squirt it out their nose? That's the point you know you've made it to "boy town"!

Brooke said...

That's so cute! I can't believe how big they are! BTW, my Grandpa passed away on Wednesday and I don't think my Mom has been able to reach your in-laws yet. If you get this could you pass on the word? The funeral is Monday, the 15th, in Heber. (sorry, this is the only way I know how to reach you...)