Thursday, July 9, 2009

Look, I'm walking! (well, almost)

I wonder if 13 months is going to be the charm for little Porter. He's pretty content just crawling with the occasional few steps here and there but yesterday he decided to take a few more and we caught it on video. It's so funny to see the difference in he and Kamryn's personalities, he's just so much more easy going and she is "little Miss High Strung." Yesterday while he was attempting walking, she was walking circles around him and clapping her hands with the biggest grin on her face, almost as if she was cheering him on!

I tried my darndest to get a cute picture of Porter's new haircut this morning but he was not having anything to do with it. Thank goodness we have an in home barber (my hubby) and he even cuts his own hair! Now that is talent!


Greg and Wendy said...

Wow, Porter is really taking off in a big way! Now you will really be running!

Greg and Wendy said...
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Lori Wilson said...

Go Porter-pie!!! You are doing awesome! You've still got Jack beat by at least 2 months. I thought that little stinker would never walk!!!!