Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random thoughts!

I'm just plain tired! I can't believe I actually have 6 I really THAT old?? I always get the funniest looks when I'm out shopping with the 4 younger kids. People stop me all the time and make comments like, "man, you really have YOUR hands full," or my personal favorite, "you poor thing," and "are they really ALL yours, you don't look old enough," oh how I want to give those people a huge hug. I feel really overwhelmed with life right now, chasing babies, homework, activities, piano, sick kids, etc. etc., and people tell me it only gets busier. I find it hard to believe. I am plenty busy! I don't know where I'm going with this, it's just the way I've been feeling for a while now and I'm sure when kids get better, school's out for the summer, babies are a bit older, I might feel a little more "in control," but then again, maybe not. But, after a long, hard, days work, I still wouldn't give a one of them back!


Jocelyn said...

I love that our thoughts were right in line with each other today. I feel ya, sista, I feel ya.

Christie said...

It does get better!!! At least when they are older they can do a few things for themselves. I promise your worry load will never go away, but your hands on will probably get easier. Hang in there sweetheart, I think you are super mom and you need to just let a few things slide sometimes, promise the mom police will not take your kids away. Love ya tons, Aunt Chris

Melissa said...

How about a day at the park at the beginning of April when the weather is warmer? Hanging around my little Alexa will make you grateful you have your kids and I have her, LOL!!!!! Everyone deserves a down day, just remember that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do with it! And it is O.K. to do absolutely nothing some days except making sure everyone is fed and diapers are changed!!!!!

Greg and Wendy said...

Amen to Christie's comment. In many respects this IS your HARDEST busy time in terms of pure physical fatigue! Hang in there, honey. And in spite of it all, you wouldn't return a one of them even if you could. You are amazing!