Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The babies had their 9 month well-baby checks yesterday. It's crazy but they are still almost 2 lbs. apart. Porter weighed in at 19 lbs. 5 oz. and Kamryn weighed in at 17 lbs. 7 oz. I felt a little bad because it turns out that Kamryn had a pretty bad infection in her left ear. So, now we have 2 bottles of pink medicine, also known as the diarrhea inducer. I honestly don't know which is worse, the ear infection, or the diarrhea that comes along with the medicine. The past couple of weeks, I've been up to my elbows in poop changing way too many "blow out" diapers. You all know the kind, right?? Other than the ear thing, they both checked out great. They are both pulling themselves up to everything and getting in to anything that is in their path. I think they have the "divide and conquer" thing down because I'm having a hard time knowing which one to run after. I know what you are thinking, "it's only going to get worse," and you are right!!
Once again, good thing they are so darn cute!!

I ended up taking Kaleb in to the doctor along with the twins because he spiked another fever on Sunday and is still not feeling well. He keeps getting random fevers for a day or two at a time and then he's mysteriously fine the next day. This has been going on for a good month and I feel so bad for the little guy. The doctor did a strep test which was negative, couldn't find anything wrong with his ears, throat, etc. so they sent me over to the hospital lab for some urine and blood samples just to see if we can get some answers so hopefully we'll know more soon.

In between the visit to the doctor and the visit to the hospital we ran over to see a sister in our ward that is in the Care Center. She looks so much worse than she did a week ago when we were there and things don't look good. The kids love to visit her but I think it was hard on them this time because of her poor condition, Kaleb and Jordyn haven't stopped talking about "poor Lily." I got the babies out of their carseats so she could see them because I figured, babies can make anyone smile and we got a little response from her. Anyway, I've had a hard time lately because we have several families in our ward that are dealing with major health concerns. I struggle between feeling so very grateful for good health but at the same time feel very sad and guilty that they are the ones going through such huge trials. We have a sister in our ward, whom I love dearly, battling with brain cancer. She has two of the cutest girls around Regan and Morgan's age so I can only imagine what she and those girls go through not knowing what the future holds. Also, we have another family with 3 out of their 5 children diagnosed with a form of Leaukemia. Can you even imagine??? They are such strong people and have a great amount of faith! What a great example they are to me.


Brooke said...

I feel for ya! Your twins are doing so well, they are as advanced as mine...hmmm! :) I had a little anxiety come on last week when I saw their "friend" who is a month younger than them toddling all over and realized that as fast as his mom was running around trying to keep up with him, I was going to have to be twice as fast...I'm not pushing the walking thing at ALL! Good luck!

Melissa said...

You have your hands full, girl!!! My little Jaxson weighs the same as Porter and he is only 5 months old...he is such a chunk!

janna said...

Your twins are so cute & they remind me of mine.... but I wish I had written it all down, way back when.

I hope Caleb gets feeling better soon

Greg and Wendy said...

Each day is a priceless gift! As we have discussed, viewing others' trials has a way of putting every day life in perspective. How grateful I am for an eternal understanding of this life and it's purpose. We also pray and wish the best for all those suffering in your ward. Hope you get some answers with our little Kaleb. The babies are growing and changing so fast. I think it is so crazy that they have stayed around 2 pounds apart since birth! Hope they are feeling better soon so the diaper battle can end!
Love you, honey!