Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back in the saddle!

The past week has been a little nuts with sick kids so I've just been doing the bear necessities which doesn't include blogging. Today I finally took Porter in to the Dr. and found out that he has an ear infection, which explains his fussiness and bad sleeping habits the past few nights. Hopefully the medicine will kick in quickly so he'll return to his happy little self.

Yesterday, I took Jordyn to kindergarten round up where she got to have a little reading readiness test and tour of her future classroom. She had perma-grin the whole morning, I got the biggest kick out of watching her facial expressions while walking through the school. She's so ready to go and won't be a bit homesick. In fact, I think she'll cry when her teacher tells her it's time to go home for the day!!!

Thanks to a little motivation from my sister, I've been getting up every morning with the kids to exercise. I can't believe how hard it is to drag myself out of bed in the morning, but the kids diligently wake me up each morning and keep me going. For one of our Enrichment activities this year we're doing a 12 week fitness challenge where the ladies meet at the church 3 times a week to exercise. We're fortunate enough to have a talented lady that works at a fitness club here in town to be our leader so it is a great workout! It's nice because I get new ideas each week to do with the kids besides using the cans out of our storage room for weights. Anyway, this morning I was sleeping on the couch at 5:55 when I had the creepy feeling that someone was watching me, sure enough it was Regan standing there waiting for me to wake up. If only she knew how precious 5 minutes are in my life right now. Anyway, the stretching and exercising has lessened my back pain quite a bit and it's fun to visit with the kids for a few minutes in the morning before the craziness starts.
Last week I caught Porter steeling food off of Kamryn's tray and the "what did I do wrong" look on his face made me laugh out loud.
(pic 1)"Mr. Innocent" (pic 2) "Mr. Sly pants" (pic 3) "I can't help myself," I love Kamryn's face in the last picture. She knows he's been caught!

This is Kamryn's latest cheesy grin! Somewhere in my picture archives I have a very similar pose of Regan holding Kaleb at this very same age. Regan has sure grown up and still as pretty as ever. Porter looks so much like Kaleb it's crazy!
A quick snapshot before church at 9:00! Yes, we are on time!
Sunday we made a bunch of goodies and went around to visit some people in our ward. It's a good way of passing a very long afternoon and secretly my way of getting out of listening to kids fight all afternoon. In the evening we got to go with DJ to the Visitors Center to see the Sister Missionaries. While we were there we got to view their newest video "Kirtland" that had just arrived the day before. It's only about 20 minutes and the kids were completely entertained!
After the movie we wandered around and enjoyed all the little interactive stations, Kaleb was so excited to see the "big Jesus" (the statue of Jesus). He was a little hyper the whole evening so we were in and out in a little over an hour.


Melissa said...

You have the cutest kids....absolutely adorable...love hearing about your days...they sound eerily similar to mine, lol! Jordyn and Alexa look like they could be sisters, how strange is that? Have a great week and I hope Porter sleeps tonight for you!!!!!

Lori Wilson said...

Man, you are wonder woman! I'm amazed that you have the thought to grab your camera and catch such cute moments. Love reading about your days! That's so fun about Jordy at K-roundup. Hard to believe she's that old. FUN!!! :)