Friday, August 22, 2008

2008 Garden

I have to admit that this is the best garden we've ever had thanks to DJ! I guess that shows what a great gardener I'm not because in years past, I've primarily taken care of it. DJ has worked so hard keeping the weeds down this year and is now spending many hours a week weeding, harvesting and freezing/canning veggies. I don't know how he is doing it all but I appreciate him so much and it's fun to see the fruits of his labors. (or "veggies" of his labors) ha ha! So far we've harvested beans, peas, red potatoes, onions, zucchini & squash and we're looking forward to corn and carrots in a week or so!

1 comment:

Lori Wilson said...

Holy Criminy!!! Your garden is amazing (as is your husband for taking care of it!! You guys make me so tired just thinking of all the things you do in a day. Tell DJ 'way to go'!!!!!!!