Friday, August 22, 2008

2 Month Well-baby Check

Happy to report that Kamryn and Porter are growing and doing well:

Porter- weighing in at 11 lbs. 10 oz.
Kamryn-weighing in at 9 lbs. 10 oz.
I think it's safe to say that they are getting enough to eat!
We've been noticing that Porter tips his head to one side much of the time and have been a bit concerned about it. Dr. Smith said he's quite certain that it is something called, "Torticollis," it is muscle relaited and has something to do with the way he was positioned in the womb. I took him for a x-ray yesterday to rule out some other things and haven't received word back yet but most likely it is what Dr. Smith says it is. That being the case, he will start some sort of physical therapy for a while until I get the hang of doing it myself and we'll just work with him at home. Porter will also have his hearing checked again in 2 weeks so we'll know what we need to do there if anything. Other than that, they are both doing well and getting so responsive. Porter is still sleepy much of the time but has the cutest smile and sweetest disposition. Kamryn is a live wire and is getting so much happier. She has such a cute personality and loves to be talked to. She has the cutest grin as you will see from the pictures. They really are so different but both so much fun. I was holding Kamryn this evening while listening to Morg read a book and just had the thought come to me that I need to cherish every moment with my kids because time goes by so fast. Though this is a crazy busy time of my life, I am thankful that Heavenly Father blessed us with these 2 babies as well as our other 4 children. I love them all more than I can express!!


Greg and Wendy said...

Such sweet, loving thoughts from a mom of 6 small children! Reading your words brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. How right you are about enjoying every minute because these precious moments are gone in the blink of an eye. Then you are looking back like Dad and me wondering how you all grew up so fast and did we make the most of our time with you when you were little. We think all four of you are remarkable and raising very sweet and precious children. I think this little thought was a "tender mercy" from Heavenly Father to strengthen and support you in this very busy time of your life! We love you and DJ and your family so much! And by the way, Jordy was in bed and fast, fast asleep by 7:20 tonight. She is an angel! Thanks for sharing her.

Greg and Wendy said...

The pictures of Porter and Kamryn are so precious! You can actually see the differences in their personalities in their pictures. I just wanted to reach right in, pick them up, and hold them close!
Love, Mom