Thursday, May 5, 2011

A spring in my step

And these are the reasons why:

* The weather is beautiful, sunshiny, no wind, and perfect for attending Regan's track meet and Morgan's soccer game this afternoon and evening. 
*  We finished planting raspberry starts last night, that makes 5 large rows with approximately 18 plants in each.  I'm praying that we have at least 50% survive, DJ says that he's betting 90% will. Who's more optimistic in our household? 
*  The computer room de-junking is finished.  The room has been a thorn in my side for way to long so I finally tackled it.  It's not perfect but at least I got rid of TONS of junk (a huge garbage can full) and I broke down and purchased a shredder so as to clear out all of my very old documents that I no longer need.
*  I finished the "Hunger Games" series.  I  couldn't put the darn things down, they totally had me sucked in.  So, I'm glad I'm finally finished so I can do something more book recommendations for me from anyone, not because I don't appreciate it, but because now I know I will get nothing done if I start!!!!
*  We're in the last few weeks of school and planning out the fun activities of the summer.  I have to admit that I'm always freaked out about the first week of my kids summer vacation.  It just takes me that much time to adjust to having all 6 kids around all the time again, you know, twice as much laundry, kids in and out of the fridge All. Day. Long., tons more messes, double the cooking, etc.  I'm excited, but, the nervous kind of excited!
*  While cleaning out the den, I came upon a huge file filled with stuff from DJ's childhood. Among the piles of pictures, I found a couple of stories written by DJ's dad that I had to stop and read.  I couldn't put them down, and it just so happened that one of the stories had some really great advice that couldn't have been more timely for my hubby.  DJ was pretty thrilled when he came home late that night from Bishop responsibilities and got to sit down and read his dad's words of wisdom.  You can't tell me that journaling isn't important, in whatever form you choose, blogging, actual journals, short stories, notebooks, whatever.  You never know when something you write down might be useful to someone else.  Thanks, Dad Teichert.  Come to think of it, I think my dad has kept a journal faithfully for a lot of years, I guess I need to ask him if I can borrow them sometime!
* Porter and Kamryn have been playing outside together for 2 hours with no fighting.  I don't know what they would do without each other.
* The kids have been talking a lot about our Southern California trip and what a great time they had.  I still haven't blogged about it which bums me out but it is so darn cute to hear the babies talk about the things that were "so fun" and the things that were "scawee" (scary).  For now, they remember a lot of details of the vacation, favorite rides, not so favorite rides (Pirates of the Caribbean) meeting princesses, playing on the beach, seeing Mickey Mouse, going to dolphin and whale shows, etc.  In the grocery store yesterday, they pointed out the lunchables and said, "mom, we have those at Disney Land."  We were at the library last week and they found all sorts of books about dolphins and whales and they both went on and on about the fun show where the dolphins jumped high in the air.  I only hope they can keep those memories stored in their little brains because it really was a dream trip!


Jocelyn said...

Love it. Love it all. I have a serious desire to take our kids to Disneyland this summer....seeing how much your kids loved it makes me giddy. We'll see.....

As for the Hunger Games....glad you got 'em finished. They're so fun. I actually have a goal to read 2 books in the next 6 months because I've been such a slug lately. Haha! I am skeptical of its actually happening, but I can hope! Too bad the two I'm working on right now (President Monson's biography and The Count of Monte Cristo) are not the quick and easy read type novels. Dang! But both rewarding in their own right....

Seth and Natalie said...

This post was inspired! I have been having too many days of discouragement, to much tiredness, too much apathy. Your outlook on finding happiness in small things is just the reminder I need. Thanks Cindy!

Greg and Wendy said...

Thanks for such a delightful post! Interesting that you found such a treasure to share with your hubby just when he needed it.You'd think HE really does know us, wouldn't you?
Please tell us Regan's track meet schedule for the rest of the year. It's hard to believe school is almost out and the summer craziness begins but you'll have a grand time. Porter and Kami just crack me up! I don't think you ever posted about Porter reprimanding you, "Dat my Kami, yeave her ayone! I am still chuckling over that one! They are attached at the hip, those two!

Rise Up and Sing said...

Thanks for such a fun and positive post, Cin! You're always so thoughtful and put things in their proper light. One of the many, many things I love and admire about you.

Tell Regs AWESOME JOB on her track meets!! We're so proud of her!

Jaedon Flora said...

I love how your kids are so protective of each other. It is so darling! I loved the short hair do! I finished the Hunger Games series as well and now my life and house are falling apart. Wow it was sure fun reading though! Love you Cindy!