Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My dad!

I stole these pictures from my mom's blog.  It brings back such great memories of my childhood on our ranch in Park Valley, UT.  After having to leave the ranch because of a bad injury, my dad left what he loved most to go back to college to earn a degree and basically start a new life with a family to support.  I can't imagine how hard this must have been for my dad to leave the ranch and his family behind but he knew he had no choice.  Though times were hard for quite a few years, my mom worked especially hard teaching piano lessons in the early morning hours and worked a full time job while my dad went to back to college at Utah State University and worked full time as well (at the college, I think).  Even though this had to be a really tough time for my parents, I never lacked for the things I needed.  They somehow were able to stills support 4 kids and life was great for us.  I know things always happen for a reason.  My dad got the best job working for Eastern Idaho Ag Credit Assoc. in Blackfoot, after he graduated from college and has worked there ever since.   In the past several years he has been able to own a couple of horses and he and mom purchased a truck and trailer.  I think he's found his dream horse now! (Snip) My dad spends a lot of time now out in Park Valley helping his dad and brother on the ranch and he often rides for clients & friends as well, and he loves every minute of it!  I love my parents and I'm grateful for the sacrifices they made for our family and I'll be forever grateful for my up bringing in the best place ever (Park Valley, UT).


Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, Cindy, this is the sweetest post. So glad your memories are good of our "upheaval" time. Dad worked full-time as well as going to school and he never complained. Heavenly Father's plan for us was much better than our own. I've learned, just don't plan too much and watch the "fun" unfold! And by the way, you kids were amazing through it all!

Greg and Wendy said...

Thanks for the sweet words. I'm grateful that your memories are sweet from that period of our life! I love you so much, Sweetheart.

Jocelyn said...

Yep, I agree.