Thursday, October 11, 2012

How sweet it is to be loved by you!

The twins had their yearly well child visit (actually, I don't think they've had a check up in about 2 years) but hey, that's how we roll around here!  Anyway, being the mean mom that I am, I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and have them get their school immunizations done at the same time.  I broke the news to them the night before and Porter didn't seem phased by it at all but Kamryn, on the other hand, was worrying and fretting all morning long.  She went around the house telling everyone that the doctor was going to shoot her:)  Oh goodness, it was hilarious but sure didn't sound very good!  When we got to the office and the Dr. asked which one of them would go first, I was surprised when Kami's hand shot up and she went running up to lay on the table.  She hardly made a peep as they "shot her":):)  Porter, on the other hand, started sobbing at the first poke and was pretty darn sad about the whole ordeal.  As soon as he got down from the table, Kamryn quickly came to his rescue and put her arm around his shoulders and said, "here Porter, put your head right here on me, it's okay, you'll be okay."  It was just about the cutest thing I've seen since they were newborns cuddled up together in their crib.  It sounds terrible but I was laughing and just about crying at the same time watching Kamryn try to consol her "Big" brother.   It was a picture moment so I took advantage and I'm sure   Porter will just love these pictures someday of him bawling his eyes out:):)  Wedding we come!

                                                    Before the shots.....
And by play 

I'm pretty sure I'll remember this moment forever!  One other funny thing to note is when they were born, Porter weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and Kamryn was 5 lbs. 4 oz.  They have consistently stayed 2 lbs apart all these years and now 4 years later, Porter weighs 39 lbs and Kamryn is 37.9 and she's got him in height by 2".  We'll hope these statistics change when they get a little older:):)  


Lindsay said...

These pictures are adorable! Oh boys...they always think they are so tough, but they rely on their sisters to get them through the hard times. I can relate with Hunter. haha I'm just playing.

Sara Rose said...

Oh Cindy....this made me cry! That is so dang cute!

Greg and Wendy said...

I'm laughing and crying as well! These two are precious beyond words. So glad you had your camera to capture these moments.

Seth and Natalie said...

This is so cute. Lucky kids to have each other. I'm glad you have such sweet girls to take care of the boys in your family.