Thursday, October 11, 2012

Birthday Girl, Jordyn!

We celebrated Jordyn's 9th Birthday last week and the spoiled little stink pretty much enjoyed a weeks worth of Birthday fun!:):)  We had her family party 2 days before her actual B-Day, she enjoyed packages coming in the mail on her B-Day, I brought in treats to her school class, her teacher from last year brought her a big cookie and surprised her on the playground by silencing everyone with a whistle and then everyone joining in singing Happy Birthday! (how cute is that?) She got to take treats to her clogging class on Thursday, Friday her primary teacher came over with more goodies, and to top it all off, we spent the weekend with DJ's parents where she enjoyed more partying with cousins and fun with grandparents!  Jordyn genuinely loves her Journey Girl doll (Kelsee) probably more than anything else she owns.  She spent   a good hour before her party getting Kelsee all ready for the big moment in hopes that some of her B-Day presents might contain new baby clothes and such:)  Can't you just see the excitement in her face (Jordyn's, that is:)
Continuing the tradition, Jordyn decorated her own cake which she called an "artist" cake.  She wanted several different colors of frosting, sprinkles & lots of candy.  I think she might have eaten a good portion of it before it actually made it on the cake:)   
The finished product!  Colorful, it is!
Jordyn was extra excited because she got to share her special day with her Great Grandma Johnson who's Birthday happens to be one day before Jordyn's!  Jordyn decorated this special candle for Grandma and Grandma gave Jordyn her own drawing pad!  Perfect present for Jordyn!  Pictures like these next 2 are just priceless! 
Morgan spent Sunday afternoon preparing this giant B-Day card for Grandma J.  She went around and asked everyone what things they love and appreciate about Grandma.  DJ was the last to be interviewed and his response summed it all up, "What's not to love!"  We sure love our Grandma Johnson and consider it a great blessing to live in the same town as her so we can see her often!  

Jordyn got 3 new baby doll outfits for Kelsee and she could not have been more excited!  Porter even gave Kelsee a new pair of glasses so she'd be matching with Jord!  

This is another one of my favorite pictures ever!  I love how the 3 of them are so focused on 
Grandma Rose's ever popular, personalized, Birthday card!  

How thankful I am that I have wonderful supportive parents who manage to make it to each of the kids B-Day Parties. It helps that they live only 1/2 hour away!  I'm always sad that we live so far away from DJ's parents that this isn't possible but somehow, every time we head home to Cokeville, they turn our visit in to a big party!!   
G&G Rose surprised Jordyn with her very first set of professional art supplies...a watercolor set, several paintbrushes, First Steps watercolor book, watercolor paper, and a tabletop easel (not pictured because it arrived late)  Jordyn was beyond excited!  She told me she made a goal to read the whole book from cover to cover (all 128 pages) before she began so she's know all of the techniques before beginning.  Well, she did just that.  She spent one afternoon and evening reading each page carefully and pointing out specific things she found interesting.  This girl LOVES anything art and she definetly has a talent for it!
I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of Jordyn with Grandma and Grandpa Teichert in Cokeville this weekend.  They gave Jordyn a sweet card and a check to go clothes shopping!  Jordyn is a "clothes horse" and loves to shop any chance she gets (which doesn't happen often) so getting her own money to spend is pretty exciting!  A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Teichert!
The spread! Art supplies, doll clothes, clothes, headbands, shrink art jewelry making kit, socks, and more!
Jordyn and Mom, Regan took the picture laying down on the floor so it looks a little wacky! 
Porter getting the "Biggest Squeeze EBER"  from Jordyn after she opened the doll glasses from him! 
Regan and Kaleb enjoying the party! 
DJ, Gram, Morgs, and Kami!   
Porter loving on Grandpa--actually, I think he was all over grandpa like stink on skunk the whole night, jumping, climbing, rubbing his head, head butting him, you name it.  (poor dad)
Pretty Regan! 
The other Birthday girl!  I wish I would've captured the moment where Grandma did her modeling stance! Now that would've been one for the books! 
Morgan and Jordyn 
Grandma and Jordy


Sara Rose said...

Happy LATE birthday Jordyn! As always we are LATE. SORRY! But we love you to death!

Greg and Wendy said...

Love the Teichert birthday parties! Jordy is such a sweetheart to share her birthday parties with Grandma J! So glad she loves her adventure into a new form of art! Can't wait to see her first completed project!

Brooke said...

Love reading about your family! Sorry I don't comment as often as I'd like, but you're a great blogger! Thanks for sharing!