Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The last two weeks in a nutshell

1.  school  (everyone but me and the babies)  yep, dad is back in school as well!
2.  piano practicing and lessons (Regan, Morgan, and Jordyn)
3.  activity days (Morgan)
4.  robotics (Morgan)
5.  Cross country meets and practices (Regan)
6.  Mutual and Baptisms for the Dead (Regan)
7.  Clogging (Jordyn)
8.  Canning, canning, and more canning (me)  (I even learned to can tomatoes and salsa this year--hooray)
9.  playing & mess making (Kami and Porter)
10. basketball dribbling, playing, working, reading, & inventing all sorts of creations (Kaleb)
11.  sickness- mainly Kami and Porter
12.  meetings, work, Bishop responsibilities, lots of class preparations for his day job and lots of studying for  night school (DJ)
13.  running, running, and more running (DJ, me, and Regan)  We have a ward temple 10k in the morning and then the Temple to Temple Race with BYU Idaho next Saturday!
14.  Tons of late night algebra homework sessions (Regan, DJ, and occasionally me)
15.  tons of cleaning, laundry, cooking, chauffeuring, etc. (me)
And last but not least
16.  Lots of laughter, tears, sleepiness, grumpiness, happiness, silliness, and everything else in between!


Greg and Wendy said...

Tell me about robotics for Morgs! We haven't talked about that one!

And after reading your post...I am going in to take a nap...I'm exhausted!

Jocelyn said...

You're pretty much everything I aspire to be.