Tuesday, February 22, 2011

need bedtime.....NOW

SIBLINGS:  Best Friends..........Worst enemies

Today it's the latter.

I have a headache.

I'm so ready for the kids to go to bed.

Love them all, just need a break from them, thank goodness for bedtime.

Tomorrow will be better.

I hope.

This was taken yesterday when they liked each other.  Today, well, I was too busy breaking up fights to take pictures.  And...these two weren't the only ones in on the "fun." 
Here's hoping tomorrow will be better!


Jocelyn said...

BLERG!!!! I hate those days. I wish I was there to help with bedtime. Or that Stanton was there to administer sedative!!! :)
Love you!!!!!

Seth and Natalie said...

Fun. Yeah. I can so relate to this. I have completely changed my kids diet in hopes that it will change their attitudes. I think all the sugar they've been eating has been causing some major mood swings. Who knew a two year old could be so hard to get a long with? Good luck with tomorrow.

janna said...

It probably doesn't help that today is Tuesday and DJ is gone... Sorry

Christie said...

When my kids get on my nerves I just try to remember what I was like at that age. Yea, it really puts things in perspective. Cuz although I love the heck out of my siblings, sure glad we all don't live under one roof!!!!!

Greg and Wendy said...

Hope today was a better day, hon! I remember feeling exactly like that when bedtime arrived on those particularly lousy days. Thank goodness for the "tender mercy" days that keep you going!