Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I think it's gonna' be a great day....

well, not quite.

Kaleb's already been sent to his room after only being up for approximately 1/2 hour

Porter and Kamryn spent the entire breakfast chasing after one another screaming and crying

Jordyn and Morgan nearly missed the bus

I'm ready to crawl back in to bed and put the pillow over my head.


Seth and Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, it's like we have the same life! As Seth left for work he offered the comforting words of " I'm glad it's you and not me". Thanks.

Jocelyn said...

Calgon, take me (or them) away!!!

Christie said...

Sorry about that, hope it got better. Or you just decided to have a non-productive day!!!!

Brooke said...

Ahhh, you're normal! :) I hope the day has turned around, or at least the kids have given you a little break of sanity in-between the spurts of insanity!

Greg and Wendy said...

So glad you chronicle the bad along with the good! It will be therapeutic when your kids are having kids and going through the same thing! Then they can say, "and look how we turned out, in spite of the naughtiness!" This too shall pass, hon! Hang in there!