Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Gas, Mommy, Gas"

Porter and Kamryn were both squeeling with delight yesterday at the Orthodontist when they discovered the first signs of grass, otherwise known as "gas."  It was a whopping 38 degrees in Idaho Falls yesterday so there was a ton of melting going on, especially in town.  As soon as the car door was opened and they were unbuckled, they made a mad dash to the grass and started screaming, "Gas, Mommy, Gas, we lay down on it!"  They both sprawled out on the tiny piece of grass squeeling with excitement!!  They made my day with their enthusiasm! 


Brooke said...

That's awesome! There is definitely something magical about the emergence of Spring (and gas)!

I love, and wish I could capture, the enthusiasm of my kids!

Christie said...

I feel the same way. We are starting to have a few small patches and I just want to go sit on them and see if I can soak up some sun!!! Spring can't come soon enough for me!!!!

Greg and Wendy said...

These two little people are so fun and full of life! We should all have their enthusiasm and feel the joy in little pleasures...like newly uncovered "gas"! Give them hugs from Grandma and Grandpa!

Seth and Natalie said...

You have green gas! LUCKY!! I love little kids, Dax gets super excited about all the "baby taffs". Make plans right now to come and help us brand this spring. Probably sometime in April. Pick a weekend and we'll make it work!