Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I've had some serious problems with my blog lately......for one, I couldn't post anything for some wierd reason so it was a great excuse not to blog:)  But, I finally figured out the problem yesterday so I'm back in business.  Well, maybe....that is if I'll make the time to post something now.  Not today though, because it's Super Tuesday!!!!  I'm exercising my right to vote and will be present at the Bonneville County Caucus this evening.  I'm pretty excited about the whole thing and hope to be able to educate myself a bit more about the candidates...one in particular.  Heaven knows this country needs a change so get out there and cast your vote!!!


Jocelyn said...

I'm glad you figured out the problem! What was it??

Cindy said...

I guess my computer doesn't support the new blogger interface so I logged in to my blog from my ipad and after clicking around for a bit I figured out how to go back to the old interface (like yours) and that solved the problem. It took too much time but I'm glad I finally figured out too!

Brooke said...

Good job! Glad to see you back! Hope all is well!

Greg and Wendy said...

It doesn't matter how much we talk on the phone, I learn things from your posts that I wasn't aware of, so I'm very glad you're back! Love you, honey!