Thursday, March 8, 2012

Way to go, Kaleb!

 We attended Kaleb's very first Accelerated Reading assembly today at Fairview.  He's been working hard and reading tons of books in his class room so he could advance to the library reading program and he accomplished it last Wednesday.  Each child has to read approximately 75 books which are taken home and read 4 times with a parent each night before, so it's no small task.  Talk about a proud kid!  Their is something exciting about seeing your name and picture up on a big screen and the whole class clapping for you that is so exciting.  I love our little school.  The teachers are wonderful, the librarian's are wonderful, the principal and secretary are awesome and it's just a great place for my kids to learn.  I LOVE Kaleb's Kindergarten teacher.  She's new this year but not new to the school, in fact, she was the kid's music teacher until the District had budget cuts and cut the music program. :(  She's a fantastic Kindergarten teacher, energetic, sweet, patient, happy, and she just loves the kids and they know it) 
Kaleb & Mrs. Schuster
The big moment on the screen!
Receiving his major award :)

1 comment:

Greg and Wendy said...

A big shout-out to our Kaleb! That is quite an achievement, Buddy! The last picture is priceless and tells the whole story! Love you, Kaleb, and happy reading in the AR program!