Thursday, March 8, 2012

First ever Idaho Republican Caucus!

I'm so happy I attended this.  I had my doubts though when I arrived at 6:15 and waited out in the snow and cold for 45 minutes just to enter the doors.  I seriously thought about fleeing the scene but I'm so glad I didn't.  I finally got in the building just before 7:00 and then waited for another 30 minutes or so to make my way in to the gymnasium.  Once I was in, I wasn't a bit sorry that I was there.  I really felt it a privilege to be at something like this with so many community members wanting to participate in the political process.  I was by myself but enjoyed getting to know people around me while waiting in line.  Then I made my way up in the nose bleed section of the gymnasium and ended up sitting by some people in my Stake that I don't know well but we had a nice visit and then things got under way. I chuckle every time I think about the opening prayer that was offered before it began.  This man was so passionate about his dislike for President Obama and he didn't mince words.  It was an interesting prayer and one that I won't soon forget.  Anyway, the turnout was amazing, over 3,000 people showed up which was way more than was anticipated!   I'm just happy that I got to be present and have my individual vote counted even though the whole process took until 10:00.  It was worth it and I consider it a great privilege to live in this Country!


Jocelyn said...

That sounds like a very cool experience... Well, minus the prayer, but you know me. Hahaha!!!

Greg and Wendy said...

I also loved attending our caucus and was delighted to see how many people are passionate enough about restoring liberty in this country to come out and participate. It was worth the wait and, we too, thoroughly enjoyed visiting with old friends and making new friends while going through the process.

Krystal Kats said...

Very nice I wish I could attend the caucus's but we don't have them here. I don't think many of the Republican's will come to my neck of the woods since I live in CA but I can dream! have a wonderful Easter! I found your blog from the Silhouette Cameo Blog.