Monday, October 10, 2011

St. Leon 1st Ward 10k to the Temple!

A few weeks ago on a Saturday our ward had our annual "trek" to the temple.  All who did it last year had a great experience so we decided to try it again.   All who wanted to participate either walked, ran, or road bikes as we made the 6 mile trek to the Idaho Falls Temple.  It was so neat to see so many kids big and small on their bikes, some walking, some running, some in strollers, making their way to the temple with their families.  We had many people in our ward volunteer to help at the busy road crossings, some who worked at our aid stations (water and bandaids:), some taking photos, some who cheered us along, and some who were invited to attend the 7:00 am session at the temple so they could be out in time to cheer the runners in as they came to the temple. It was an absolutely awesome activity for all who participated.  It's something my kids looked forward to and talk about all year long. In fact, they were so excited the night before that when I came home from running errands, Kaleb, Jordyn and Morgan all had first aid baggies tied to their bikes and all their gear ready to go.  Last year we all ran to the temple (minus Porter and Kamryn who were in the stroller).  This year Morgan, Jordyn, and Kaleb rode their bikes and DJ, Regan, and I ran while DJ pushed the babies in the stroller.  Kudos to him for pushing all 65 lbs. of them the entire 6 miles still making it in an amazing time.  He is pretty much awesome but said that this is definetly the last year that will be happening:)  Hopefully they get really good on their little bikes this next year.  I was so proud of the kids for making it the entire way with no complaining!  Kaleb was so proud of himself for making it the entire way he couldn't stop talking about it although his poor little legs were pretty sore the next day.   Anyway, we all met at the temple where we were greeted by our sweet Stake President, Heber Andrus.  We enjoyed popsicles and picture taking although it was a pretty darn cold morning and the wind blowing didn't help the little freezing hands. It was a wonderful activity that we are hopeful will continue for years to come. 


Greg and Wendy said...

This is one of the most wonderful activities I can think of to help families learn to love the temple as well as get in shape. Hats off to DJ or whoever it was that came up with the idea. I am amazed at all the ward support you have had and the enthusiasm of our little grandkids! Hope life slows down a bit so we can come and cheer you on one of these years!

Brooke said...

This is such an awesome experience for your ward, and for your family! How great!