Thursday, May 30, 2013

running buddies

Can I just say how much I love that my twins are 4 years old (almost 5)?? This is the best age ever!  I love that they can ride a bike and come along with me on my runs and I love that they are willing..that's the best part!  There was absolutely no complaining the whole 4 miles and they were singing, giggling, and trying to run me over :)  the whole time! I love these two little people.


Greg and Wendy said...

Oh, Cindy...I just told Dad this afternoon that I wish we could keep them just this age for awhile longer. They are so precious, funny, loveable, precocious, and any number of other descriptive characteristics! We ADORE them!

Seth and Natalie said...

How nice it is that they can ride along with you!I have to push mine in the stroller, which makes running way harder. Your kids are seriously so athletic, I can't believe that they're riding without training wheels!