Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Kaleb the B-Day Boy (December 4th)

I'm still playing catch up and just found this post that I had started a couple of weeks after Kaleb's 6th B-Day! 
I'm a crappy blogger these days....actually just plain pathetic. I'm finding many other things to occupy my time. Namely, Christmas prep, cooking, planning, parties, projects, homework, piano, recitals, reading, running,  decorating, eating, gift wrapping,etc. I can't complain that I don't have time, I just don't make the time. Anyway, guilt got the best of me today. My little man, Kaleb, had his 6th B-Day a week ago Sunday so here is the low-down on his big day. We actually celebrated Kaleb's 6th B-Day on Saturday because DJ isn't never home on Sunday's. Furthermore, our church is at 1:30 which means we don't even get out until 4:30 and it seems that all heck breaks loose at our house with no dad, 6 hungry kids, messy house, dinner prep, and literally herding the kids off to bed. Long story short, it just worked better to have it on Saturday afternoon and of course, Kaleb wasn't a bit disappointed because it meant breaking in to his presents one whole day early!:) Grandma & Grampa Rose & Grandma Johnson joined us for the party (so glad that they live close enough to be able to attend so many of the kids things). We ate a yummy dinner, opened presents and enjoyed cake and ice cream. Kaleb requested cheesecake because he knew Grandpa couldn't have B-Day cake and he even offered to eat Grandpa's crust :) Such a cute little guy who adores both of his Grandpa's! He's always been really concerned about Grandpa Rose's food allergies and when we have any type of get together, he'll always ask me what things Grandpa can eat. Anyway, he got spoiled as usual. I was finally on the ball this year and purchased his B-Day gifts in November so that I wouldn't mix it in with Christmas and gype the poor little guy! He got some really fun toys and some cute clothes which he was pretty excited about. Kaleb is just a fun kid all the way around. Yes, he has his typical misbehaving moments but all in all he's a happy little guy and genuinely wants to do what is right. He loves all things boy, monster trucks, bikes, legos, imaginext, basketball, remote control anything, and he also loves to color, draw and make up pictures with stickers, pretend play with his sisters and brother, loves to create all sorts of intersting contraptions made from anything he can find in the house and in the garage. He'll spend hours working on projects and then come and explain them to me right down to the very last detail. He loves building legos and spends hours building with his latest sets he got from his B-day and Christmas. He likes school and is becoming a really good reader, hates riding the bus, loves his teacher, Mrs. Schuster, loves riding his bike, loves going to Cokeville to Grandma & Grandpa Teichert's, loves going branding with Grandpa Rose and playing with Grandma Rose's toys in Blackfoot. He loves playing with friends and cousins, loves eating (goodies are his favorite), chips are a close second. In fact, he asked Santa for his very own bag of Tostito Chips and a glowing basketball. He has enjoyed the bag of chips more than anything else he got for Christmas! I have to laugh at how the chip request came about. We were at our friend's house for a party and they had the family size bags of Tostito chips out and Kaleb just thought they were the best! I guess he didn't think Santitas cheapies were good enough and he kept saying, "those are the best chips I've ever eaten. I've got to ask Santa for my very own bag." Poor deprived child!!!!:):) He can be a stink sometimes but he is genuinly sweet and comes up to me frequently to give me big hugs around the waste for no reason at all! I love you Kaleb!


Grandpa and Grandma Teichert gave his this nice dress outfit which he wears almost every Sunday!!

"cool, I've never has a transformer before" 
Morgan, "helping" her brother!:) 
Kaleb and Grandma Johnson!  I love this picture so much.  It tells a lot about my Grandma J., she adores her grandkids, loves attending any activity that she possibly can, and makes each of my kids feel like a million bucks! 
Pictures like this one are just priceless...shortly after Kaleb's B-Day she had a bad fall in her apartment and broke her hip. She underwent surgery and is recovering at Promentory Rehabilitation Center right across from Bonaventure where she had been living.  She is a gem and I feel blessed that she is my Grandmother!

" cousin Jack has one of these!" 
                                                         Kaleb with his B-Day loot!
Kaleb with Grandpa and Grandma Rose--they gave him two awesome lego sets which he loves!
One, two, three, make a wish and blow!! 
Kami playing with Grandpa's hair, okay...head.  The other day she said, "mom, I don't want dad to give me a haircut because if he does, I'll look like a Grandpa!  (ha ha ha)  The kids seriously LOVE playing with Grandpa Rose's fuzzy head, good thing he's such a good sport about it! 
Kaleb left Grandpa and Grandma to put his new Lego set together while he tried out some of his other gifts.  I had to laugh at the two of them trying hard to put the little lego camper together!  They finished it finally and Kaleb was pretty thrilled! 
After the Birthday party, Kaleb, Morgan and I got dressed up and took Grandpa and Grandma Rose to the Brian Stokes Mitchell Christmas concert on the BYU-I Campus.  If you haven't heard this man sing you must!  He's got the most beautiful, pure voice and is such an entertainer.  Morgan and Kaleb loved the concert though they were a little tired and fidgety at times.  They particularly loved his rendition of "The Friendly Beasts"  (you need to pull this up on YouTube if you haven't heard it)  It's Morgan's very favorite.  Anyway, it was a perfect day spent with family celebrating Kaleb's 6th B-Day.   


Jocelyn said...

That honestly looks like such a fun birthday. He is such a cute guy.

Lindsay said...

You have a child with a December birthday too! I never realized! It stinks huh! You'll have to give me some tips! What a fun day and I loved learning all about Kaleb.

Greg and Wendy said...

That was such a memorably day! Kaleb is a gem and we love him so much! Wow, we were so happy he let us have our first Lego experience of actually following directions and constructing something from start to finish! Thank you again for taking us to hear Brian Stokes Mitchell! We'll never forget it! He is truly amazing!
Oh, I too love those pictures of Grandma J.