Friday, January 27, 2012

Head spinning

Are your days ever so busy that you feel like your head is just spinning?  This is my life these days!  Though  I really don't mind being busy, the one thing that bothers me is that my little ones really want me to sit down and just play with them (mainly build legos) and I feel like I'm always saying, "just a minute, I'll be right there."  Then pretty soon two hours have gone by and the little people are still patiently waiting with lego kit in hand ready for me to sit down and build with them.  Yesterday, Porter finally pinned me down to build his lego tow truck but of course he couldn't find the instructions anywhere.  Though I've built the darned thing 10 times, do you think I could remember how  it went together??  No way!!  Thanks to the lego internet sit for posting all of the instructions on line for people like me--30 minutes later the thing was built and Porter's smile was worth every minute spent!  Soon after, Kami decided she would like me to build a lego house with her cute pink legos she got for Christmas so we went to work getting that built and surprisingly, it came together much faster than we thought.  Not too long after that, Kaleb came home from school and decided he'd get in on the lego fun and spent a really long time assembling his lego camper and semi truck with very little help--thank goodness he's at the point where he can follow instructions!  It's so funny to watch these guys spend hour after hour building legos and never tire of it.  Makes me wish I was a kid again with no worries in the world.   Anyway, I've decided life is not going to slow down so I better just jump on board, keep a smile on my face, and enjoy the ride! 


Lindsay said...

The important thing is that you did stop and play!

Seth and Natalie said...

I'm the same way, although I always talk them out of legos. I always thought that when I was a grown up I'd get to make my own time and only play. Yeah right!