Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Halloween!

I don't ever claim to be the crafty, creative, type of mom but I have had fun the past few years making an exciting Halloween dinner complete with mummy dogs, bread stick bones, eyeballs, veggie skeleton, blood dip, etc.  This year my mom saved the day and gave the kids a fun bag full of all the paper goods for our themed Halloween dinner.  It seriously made making the dinner that much more fun because I didn't have to worry about all of that extra stuff that really makes the dinner totally exciting!  Anyway, the mummy dogs were my favorite, they are just so dang cute and they taste pretty good but only if you buy real hot dogs, not the scary fake .68 cents ones.  The kids loved the bread stick bones dipped in blood (pizza sauce) and they they thought the floating eyeballs (green grapes) were pretty funny.  My veggie skeleton guy is a little on the fat side only because for a family of 8, we needed a lot more veggies than the one pictured.  He was a little funny but it sure helped the kids eat a ton more veggies than usual.  Anyway, it was a fun time and we ended the evening with pumpkin carving.  This was by far our lamest year in the pumpkin carving area because Regan was up to her eyeballs in algebra homework so she and DJ couldn't join in the fun.  That made me the designated "pumpkin cleaner-outer" which always takes entirely too long so most of our pumpkins didn't even get all the way carved, others had stab wound (thanks to Porter) and others were pretty darn cute considering they were done by a 3, 5, & 8 year olds.  Oh well, we're making memories, right? 


Greg and Wendy said...

Don't tell me you are not a crafty, fun mother! The food looks darling and delicious...I just wanted to see your veggie skeleton! Your kids are blessed...that I know!

Lindsay said...

Love all the food! You are super crafty and I love reading your blog and learning what you do for your kids- you're amazing!

Jocelyn said...

Everything turned out so cool, Cind! I had so much fun doing this this year -- it made me realize that maybe it might be fun to do it for every holiday. Maybe not, though. :)