Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have to remember this

I'm thankful for:
Gentle nudgings from the spirit (and the twins) on Sunday that helped me get up out of my seat to share my testimony.  The spirit sometimes works through little kids, at least that's what I think.  On Sunday I was sitting there in the meeting when Kamryn whispers, "mommy, I want to go sit on daddy's lap while you talk in the microphone."  And, Porter in his not so quiet voice kept saying things like, "mommy, someday we all going to die, huh?" and, "mommy, then we'll go and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again."  and, "why did the mean men put Jesus on the cross"  and a few other things.  How could I not get up and share my testimony of the gospel after that.  So, today I'm thankful for my testimony and particularly grateful for my sweet babies that express themselves so well.


Jocelyn said...

I was choking up when you were telling me about this on the phone. So awesome - suffer the little children to come unto me.

Seth and Natalie said...

Even though little children can be pretty naughty sometimes I love when their spirit shines through. That is so sweet, but I wish you really would have sat on DJ's lap. That would have got everyone's attention :)