Saturday, July 31, 2010

My cup is full....

..........actually, it runneth over. Thanks to my sweet husband suggesting that I take 3 whole days to myself to attend BYU Education Week. I declined the offer a few times and then changed my thinking the morning it started and I'm so thankful I did! It was just what I needed, spiritually, physically, & mentally. My back hasn't hurt at all for 2 days and before this I was popping Ibuprofen right and left. My mind is clear and I have a renewed sense of energy to be the kind of mother I know Heavenly Father wants and knows I can be. And my head is full of thoughts, quotes, scriptures, suggestions, etc. that are moving me to action. Not to mention, I was reminded of how wonderful it is to eat a sandwich by MYSELF with no one telling me it looks gross, or on the flip side, just deciding that it's their sandwich. I enjoyed doing my infamous speed walking in between classes with no one telling me to "slow down mommy!" I had time to clear my head while enjoying the silence walking through the Garden's. And, I must mention that above all, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to around 22 hours of lectures w/out having to pass out snacks, shush the loudness, give "the look," and leave the room with fussy babies. Now, I may sound as though I begrudge my life as a mommy of 6, actually, I totally love it, it's just stressful at times and I realized that every mommy needs a break now and BYU Education week just might become my little break. Once again, I've gotta say how much I love my husband for making it possible!! He's a gem!


Brooke said...

That sounds so awesome! Every part of it. I'm so glad that you got to have that opportunity! Yay for really good husbands!

Seth and Natalie said...

You lucky duck, time to yourself! It's been a while since I've had that opportunity. I guess DJ knew what you needed more than you did :)

Jocelyn said...

What a great opportunity. I'm so glad you got to go!

Greg and Wendy said...

I really like your idea of us making that a sister's (and mom)weekend next year!. We could still stay in a hotel, take some different classes, and share and discuss what we learned while we are enjoying each other's company (and some good food) in the evenings! How totally uplifting! Kudos to DJ for his unselfishness and kindness! We're so glad he didn't take no for an answer. It really was just exactly what you needed in all ways!

Jenelle said...

I love Education Week. I feel so great when I get home. It usually only lasts a few days, but it's well worth those few days. Not only for me, but I think my family is better for it too! I am so glad you got to go. Sometimes you just need a few days to focus on yourself, that in turn helps you to focus on your family even better!