Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thanks Dad!

Last week I spent several hours in the garden trying to get a handle on the lovely crop of morning glory we have thriving in our garden spot. Honestly, I've never seen so much of the stuff and it's next to impossible to get rid of. It's a miracle we've had as many vegetables as we've had in years past. I guess it's probably because DJ had more time in previous years to tend to the garden but this year he's even more busy which makes it pretty impossible for him to get out to the garden. Anyway, after weeding about half of our garden with help from Morgan, I just gave up. I really wanted to sit in the dirt and just cry my eyes out but instead I just left it and moved on to something more productive--like laundry. (HA HA HA HA) Friday morning we left for a 2 day trip to Logan for my niece, Tatum's, wedding and then a day trip to Lagoon with the kids. After returning home, I walked out to check on our weed patch only to discover that someone had come to our rescue and tilled our entire garden. I admit, I sat there and bawled like a big baby wondering who would've done such a kind act of service for me and knowing that they probably had no idea how overwhelmed I had been with the garden. I found out Tuesday that my sweet dad had gotten off work a little early on Friday afternoon and told my mom that he had a feeling he should come up and take care of our garden. I know he doesn't have that kind of time between his calling as Stake President, his full time job, his own beautiful yard and garden, taking great care of my mom who is recovering from knee surgery, and the list goes on and on. I'm pretty sure there were a hand full of other things he could have been doing on a Friday evening but he chose to come and rescue me and my poor garden from drowning in a sea of weeds and tears. I love my dad so much and though this might seem like a tiny thing to some, it meant the world to me. Thanks for your example dad!


Jocelyn said...

That is so great. Dad is awesome.

Brooke said...

That's awesome! What a great dad!

Greg and Wendy said...

It was a blessing for me to become aware of your need from a source I have come to know so well... a sweet reminder to be a better dad and grandpa. In my mind's eye, I could see you and your little ones toiling in that garden, hour by hour, trying to save your produce from those encroaching weeds and with each pass through with the tiller I could feel the joy you would feel to have the task completed--and that brought me joy unspeakable.
I love you.

Lori Wilson said...

Dad, you rock!