Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Kaleb: Mom, are we going to be able to eat in Heaven?
Me: I sure hope so!
Kaleb: Me too, do you think we'll have pizza cause I LOVE pizza!
While putting Kaleb to bed this evening he let out a gigantic smelly toot, (must've learned that from his dad:)!!!! He then asked me if he would need to take another bath because he was so stinky!! I love his honesty!
He is completely obsessed with the scriptures---I wish I could say it's because he's a spiritual giant at age 4---not exactly--he loves to hear about the wars and weapons and frequently stops us during scripture study to ask more about them. He loves the Book of Mormon readers for kids but it takes about 15 minutes each night to make it through one chapter because he's pointing at all the bows, arrows, spears, clubs, etc. and repeatedly asks me questions about each one. I was beginning to wonder if he was getting anything out of the scriptures besides the violence until he mentioned to me tonight that King Noah was a really bad guy and Abinadi was the good guy. PHEW, maybe there is hope for the little guy!
Last week I took all the kids to Jordyn's soccer practice. It had been raining really hard all day and I forgot to warn the kids about the pool of water that was sure to be at the end of the slide. I looked up from the van just in time to see a huge wave at the bottom of the slide and one very embarrassed little boy. I'm ashamed to say that I was laughing hysterically as I ran over to assess the situation but quickly got control of myself when I noticed his "painted on smile, trying to be tough, just about to burst in to tears look." He was humiliated but kept his composure until his face was buried safely on my shoulder. He was literally drenched from head to toe as if he'd jumped in to a swimming pool and not loving the idea of staying in wet clothes for the next hour. I loaded he and the babies in the van and headed for home to make a quick change of clothes and while driving I looked in the rear view mirror and noticed Kaleb grinning his adorable grin. He said with a little giggle, "mom, that was really sad but it was pretty funny."
Kaleb takes after Jordyn with his bubbly, talkative personality. He loves visiting with people, particularly our neighbor's, the Berrett's. I think he has a secret crush on their 4 cute girls and maybe even their mother. Whenever I can't find him I can be sure he's wandered over to their house to pay them a visit. Today his excuse for visiting them was that he needed to ask Kae Lyn if she was going to T-ball, funny thing is, we had just gotten home from t-ball a couple of hours before. Short term memory, I think not!


Greg and Wendy said...

It just wouldn't be heaven without eating, would it?

I didn't think it was possible to love this little guy any more, but this special post dedicated just to him has done it! Thanks for sharing!

Nigbur Family said...

what a cute little guy! I'm super impressed he can ride a bike without training wheels! That's awesome!