Thursday, April 26, 2012


You would think I could've come up with a better title for this post than "stuff" but, I couldn't, so there you have it. Life is just busy with stuff, good stuff, crazy stuff, some not so good stuff, and lots of awesome stuff.  And, because we're always busy doing all this stuff, I never have time to record about all the stuff.  Okay, enough with the stuff.  Here are the highlights of the past couple of weeks:

*  Okay, this isn't a highlight but it does stick out in my mind.  I took Regan and her friend, Lindee for an hour getaway at the mall during school.  No, I haven't lost my mind.  They were just 2 out of 6 or so kids that weren't allowed to go see the movie, Hunger Games, for their Honor's English class.  I still can't believe the school would have this as a reward for completing their big "Hunger Games" project....I read the books and I might add that I loved them, and Regan read the books, but seeing the movie and reading the books are two different things, and they are 13 years old, so anyway, that''s enough of that.  I told the girls that I would take them to hang out at the mall for a couple of hours while their class went to the movies.  They were so excited even though it meant me taking the rest of the  kids along and hanging out with the "not so fashionable" mama.  Thank goodness Regan is so kind.  So, all went well, the girls went off on their own for a while and I did some swim suit shopping at Old Navy.  I had to laugh when we met back up after they'd been shopping on their own,  they excitedly pulled out their purchases which were matching orangish/pinkish neon netted tank tops which I thought must be swim suit cover ups.  I think they saw the bewildered expression on my face before I could change it to the "oh, that is so cute" look, they said, "we're planning to wear black t-shirts under these and they will be SOOOOO adorable.  They are two very modest girls so I wasn't concerned about that, but they honestly look like something from the 80's!   Surprisingly, they can pull it off!  Regan made me laugh so hard when we got home because she looks at me and says, "mom, I don't think I was in my right mind when I bought this shirt."  She's such a funny girl and for the record, the shirts are adorable and worn often.  Now to the not so funny part, as we were loading everyone in the van, Kami was standing at the back of the van with me while I loaded the stroller, and Kaleb swung the van door back really hard, not knowing Kami was in the way and it hit her really hard on the forehead.  When I first looked at it, it didn't look  like the skin had broken it but seconds later it started to swell and I started to see what I thought was tissue. Yuck!  So, instead of heading for a quick ice cream cone, while the kids said a prayer, I ran in to Pretzel maker and grabbed a bag of ice, quickly came back out and dropped the girls back off at the Middle School and headed for the Community Care.  They determined that 3 stitches ought to do it and after an hour in the office we were headed on our way to start our very busy afternoon of running kids around.  Kami took it all in stride and hardly cried a bit at the doctor.  She's a pretty tough little cookie!  What a day!

*  Morgan started outdoor soccer, we couldn't make it to her first game because we had tons of other "stuff" going on but she reported that her team and that it was a pretty good game.  These girls have played together now for several years and they dominate the field most of the time.  It's a ton of fun to watch them play and improve each year.  Morgan gets to participate in her first soccer skills camp this summer in Rigby which she's looking very forward to.  Speaking of Morgan, she turns "10" in 2 days.  Yikes, where is the time going.  Just the other day she asked me what time of the day she was born and my mind went zipping back through the years like my brain was on rewind.  It was wacky, I could actually recall things from each stage in her life and could remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.  It was a welcome relief because I really sometimes wonder if I have the early onset of Alzheimer's.  Serious..I can't remember's crazy, weird, scary, and frustrating. Does anyone else have this problem or is it my frazzled brain from trying to keep up with 6 very active spirits!

*  Regan started track a few weeks ago and actually, I think she only has 3 meets left.  She's running the 800 meter, 1 mile, and she tried the 400 meter last night but decided that was for the birds.  She's a great little runner and has had a great season so far.  Last night she took first in the 800 and 4th in the 400 and the track meet was cancelled before she got to run her mile race due to a crazy storm that blew in.  Anyway, I'm excited to watch her in her next few meets and then we'll go right in to Gem State Track which will involve all of the kids!

*  Jordyn had the opportunity last Saturday to perform with her clogging team (In-Step Clogging) at the Eastern Idaho Children Fair.  Um, if I'm being really honest, I loathe the whole fair scene and couldn't wait to get out of the stinky, stuffy, germy, tattoo infested place..I know, that's harsh, but it's the truth.  Regan couldn't wait to get out of there so she could, "Breath her own air" Funny girl!!  But, watching Jordyn clog was great and worth the couple of hours we spent there.  Funny though, she was as ready to go as the rest of us by the time it was all over!  She's a cute little clogger and is starting to get her confidence up on stage.  It's weird to me that she is such a confident, non shy, outgoing, little person, in general, but when she gets on stage, the tables turn.  But, she actually smiled most of the time and looked like she was having a fun time. This was good preparation for her Spring performance at Rigby High School this weekend! 

* Speaking of Jordyn, she decided she wanted to do a little cleaning business over the next few months.   She made up her own little brochures which read:
"Jordyn's Jolly Cleaning Company"  Can help your house shine.  Call 552-0926 if you need help making your house shine.  Remember, it's fun, easy,  and free.  She and Morgan went and delivered her brochures and she got her first client last week (our sweet Relief Society president)  She had her come over and help her dust all of her fake plants in her house.  You would've thought Jordyn had been invited to DisneyLand, she was that excited.  Later, Sister Kite called me to tell me some of the cute things Jordyn said while she was there, the cutest one was when Sister Kite told her, "I wish I could pay you for your work," Jordyn said, "nope, but you can pay me by having me back to do some more work."  So, if you are in the market for some FREE work, just call Jordyn's Jolly Cleaning Company! :):):) 

*  Two Saturdays ago, the girls got bored and decided to put on a fashion show.  Regan was the MC, Morgan was the wardrobe helper/changer girl, and Kamryn and Jordyn were the models (surprise, surprise).  It was seriously cute and they went to a lot of trouble to make it as "real" as possible complete with the red carpet (red towel), outfits all layed out and labeled for each person, a program all written up, music that fit the mood of the outfit, curtains, etc.  I thought it was pretty in genius and the girls had lots of fun together which is always a plus (and doesn't always happen, I might add)  I videotaped the whole thing but took no pictures. Now I'm wishing I would have.  Anyway, it's fun when kids use their imaginations and don't have to be entertained every second!

*  The kids have totally loved the nice weather days we've had here and there and have taken full advantage of the sunshine.  Porter's made himself a nice little sand/dirt box in the back of my front flower bed which he's content to play in for hours.  Yesterday he came in for a snack and hopped up on the cupboard and a huge cloud of dirt came puffing out around him.  He's all boy and just loves to be a mess so how can I complain about that??   I've been enjoying the weather myself just trying to use every spare second I have to work in the yard and prep it for summer.  DJ told me he'd work all day Saturday for me and that I should make him a list of things I want done. (Can't complain about that)  My list is growing but of course, the weather is looking questionable!!!  AAAHHHH!!  Maybe I'll put him to work inside.:):)   He's a good man and I'm constantly in aw at the things he accomplishes in a day.  He's wearing himself out so I feel a little guilty about asking him for his help but there are just a few things I can't do on my own (or don't want to)  Thanks honey!

* Other than all this craziness, we had a darn fun Spring Break with the kids. Yes, I know that was weeks ago but I'm back tracking.   DJ had to work so it was just me and the kids. I found some fun experiments/art projects on the web and we tried them out and had some successes and failures but had a great time.  We also made a visit to our Art Museum which you'd think might be boring but we we really enjoyed ourselves.  They have  a really cute room set up with all kinds of activities for kid (and adults who are kids at heart) ME!  We stayed for over an hour and then headed over to feed the ducks at the greenbelt and then came home for a fun evening.  We also got to visit DJ's parents in Cokeville for a few days which is always a great time.  It is such a blessing to have such wonderful in-laws that make me feel right at home when I go and visit.  DJ's brother Mike was visiting from Nevada for a couple of days so we got to spend some time with he and my nephew, Jed.  My kids LOVE their Uncle Mike because he's just a big teaser and loves to get down and play at their level.  They were sad when Uncle Mike took off for home but we sure enjoyed our visit with Grandpa and Grandma Teichert (the far away grandma and Grandpa) as Kamryn and Porter call them! 

*  Oh ya, before I forget, we had a wonderful Easter.  We got to spend Saturday down at G&G Rose's in Blackfoot with my siblings, minus Matt and Sara who live in China.  We missed them but sure had a great time hanging out laughing and talking and watching the kids have a ball together.  It's amazing how so many little kids can get along so well.  Mom had the house so cute and decorated, we ordered pizza for lunch, spent a while filling tons of eggs and hiding them outside (thank goodness for beautiful weather.  The kids made a haul, I mean, a huge haul, we're talking enormous Ziploc bags full of goodies and snack.  My mom always has some fun healthy snacks for the kids as well as all the sugary stuff.  The kids gorged themselves and had it gone in well, approximately 5 days.  Sickening, I know, but that's the way I prefer it, just get it gone and out of my sight.  Anyway, I love my family and love every opportunity I get to spend with them.  It will even be better when Matt and Sara and their cute family get to move back!

Here's a few pictures of our happenings. 

Kam's stitches

Regan pooped from all of her activities

Jed, Kami, & Porter at Grandma Teichert's

Regan and Janae hanging out in Cokeville.

Regan pulling out a win in the 800 meter

Sleeping Beauty

Jordy with her In-Step Clogging Team

My daddy with his girls!

The gang!  Man, that's a lot of kids and cute ones at that!

Kaleb, Cannon, Brigham, Lily, and Porter at Grandma Rose's


Christie said...

Cute stuff!!! Your family is growing up. Enjoy all the moments!!!

Greg and Wendy said... much fun stuff! The one thing I wasn't aware of was Jordy's little cleaning service! If that isn't the sweetest idea and for free! She amazes me! I wish she were closer and I'd put her to work and then we'd have a ton of fun after! See you tonight!

Jocelyn said...

I love "stuff"posts a lot!

It was fun to read everything that's going on. I really liked reg's shirt that she bought -- it looked darling on her!

And Jordyn's cleaning service?? Darling! I love it.

Is Morgan loving soccer still? I love that she has something like that.

I miss you and love you!

Brooke said...

Love keeping up with you guys! :) You're an amazing mom, you inspire me!