Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wisdom of a "3" year old!

I spent the day with my head in the toilet yesterday.  It was awful and I hated every minute of it, except for the moment I pulled my head out of the toilet to see Kamryn standing there with the sweetest look on her face and she very lovingly said, "I bet you want your mom right now."  She's right, I did want my mom.  I think we never get over wanting our mom's loves and hugs, especially when we're sick.  Anyway, it's crazy how much we've all been sick but it's nearly impossible to escape it with all of the sickness going around in the schools and all the yummy sick germs my kids have been bringing home.  In the past few weeks we've had everything from Bronchitis, sore throat, fever, cough, throwing up, runny get the idea. It's been nasty and no fun at all.  I didn't move from my bed except to drag myself to the bathroom for nearly 7 hours so Porter, Kami, and Kaleb fended for themselves the whole time.  Kaleb was so helpful, in fact, he brought me a piece of toast with butter hoping that I'd eat a little something and then next thing I know, he'd cleaned up Porter and Kamryn's room and even made the beds. Kami came and snuggled with me and fell fast asleep for 2 1/2 hours.  I think we all needed a little down time after all of the sickness we've had and the continual running around from one activity to the next.  I'm better today, the kids are all in school and feeling better and I'm trying to figure out how to air out my entire house out to get rid of all of the sick bugs.  I'm in need of suggestions. 


Seth and Natalie said...

That is so sweet, both Kamryn and Kaleb. I hate being sick and trying to care for my kids at the same time. We have had coughs and snotty noses since school started, it's enough to make me want to home school! (almost) After our sicknesses I clorox wipe the whole house, it makes me feel like I'm doing something proactive.

Sara Rose said...

Oh Cindy I feel your pain! We had sick people home from school since Christmas! I was OVER IT! Hope you get feeling better soon!

Greg and Wendy said...

What precious little souls you are raising and how they ADORE their Mom! Sweet little unprompted words and gestures like those from your little ones almost makes it worth getting sick for! (I said ALMOST)! And next time, please call your mommy and I'll be there, I promise. I love you!