Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring sports=frozen tooshies

Spring sports in Idaho is always an adventure.  We've endured spring soccer with Morgan for a few years now and we're in the middle of track season with Regan.  So, this means two nights a week bundling everyone up in everything but snow pants, gathering all of the blankets in the house, and freezing our tooshies off for a couple of hours each night.  We had all the kids laughing the other night while we squished together on the bleachers like a big sandwich, DJ and I being the buns and the kids squished in between like the meat, cheese, lettuce, etc.  It kept us all laughing while we endured rain, snow, wind, and bitter cold!  If I didn't love track and soccer so much I would be really angry but I have a little bit of an emotional tie to track since I participated in High School and though I never actually participated in soccer,  Morgan's love for the sport makes me able to endure any weather condition just to see her do something she genuinely loves. 

Regan and her friend waiting on the bleachers for her next event.  She participated in the 100 meter dash, 400 meter, 800 meter, and 4x4 relay. 

Regan coming to report her time to her coach after the 400.  She had a great meet taking 4th in the 100 meter, 1st in both the 400 and 800 meter.  Way to go, Regan!

Lining up for the 800--I think this is her favorite race-she's turning in to a long distance runner ever since she ran cross country.  That's okay with me, I love watching the kids run no matter what distance! 
Porter bundling up at the soccer game 
Kamryn and Larcen trying to stay warm!  Porter and Kamryn affectionately refer to her as "Larcey." 

The boys huddled together under the "sport brella"!  Thanks to the Petersen's for providing the shelter.
(From left to right:  Colman, Ethan, Kade, Kaleb, Brayden, Porter)  A bunch of stinking cute boys!

Morg's running after the opponent
Morgan practicing some of her favorite soccer moves.  They won their first game 2-1!  Way to go "Bullets"

We're headed to another trackmeet tonight and a soccer game tomorrow night.  The weather looks like it will be much of the same so wish us luck!


Seth and Natalie said...

That does look pretty chilly. This year so far has been a terribly cold one! That's amazing that girl is so fast, especially in such long races. I hope it'll warm up for you!

Christie said...

That looks like spring baseball around here. Hunters games have been a mix of snow and wind. I personally have had it with winter, but looks like snow is in the forecast for tonight. Oh Joy!!! Congrats Regan, I remember getting to one of your track meets Cindy, track is a fun sport. My girls did the Jr. Track stuff down here and participated in the Hershey track meet as well. Chrystal was always so fast and could beat all the boys her age. I think if her love for tumbling and dance hadn't been so great she would of gone the track route. Good luck girls.

Greg and Wendy said...

We'll dress accordingly! So glad that occasionally we get a windless, warmer day! We just love to see Regs and Morgs excel at whatever they choose to means they are working hard! See you tonight for soccer and Morg's party! Love you tons!

Jocelyn said...

I'm loving that Regs is turning into a distance girl! So cool. 400 is, in my opinion, the toughest race in track, but maybe that's just because I stunk at it! :)

Your family sandwich reminded me of Regan's poem about her hamburger family.

Spring it. I think I'm going to try and steer my girls to the track route -- I like it!!